#MYLDN (938)

Me and my camera in my home town, my capital city, my london

#MYLDN (937)

Me and my camera in my home town, my capital city, my london

#MYLDN (936)

Me and my camera in my home town, my capital city, my london

#MYLDN (935)

Me and my camera in my home town, my capital city, my london

Sometimes there’s just nothing to say…

#MYLDN (934)

Me and my camera in my home town, my capital city, my london

#MYLDN (933)

Me and my camera in my home town, my capital city, my london

#MYLDN (932)

Me and my camera in my home town, my capital city, my london

#MYLDN (931)

Me and my camera in my home town, my capital city, my london

#MYLDN (930)

Me and my camera in my home town, my capital city, my london

No-one I know, including myself is really talking about the upcoming election in Britain which is kinda weird as so much is at stake. The writing’s on the wall but nothing is being said. Why? Are we all beaten down by Brexit? Was that the point of a snap election? To catch everyone in a state of utter disillusionment  and despair and take advantage of the apathy? It would appear so and it looks like its working. Is the election a done deal? That is definitely what they want you to think but please remember, politicians are only unelectable if you don’t vote for them. The power is still with us. What have recent elections shown us? That it’s never a done deal. That you can  never predict what is going to happen. Your vote counts. It always does. No matter what. Don’t be lulled into paralysis and inaction by a right-wing biased media counting on it. And if you think they are all as bad as each other, think again. Some give a shit about the rest of us and some really don’t. Its not hard to see who is who. Even in a world of fake news.

Find it so sad to think that the internet which was created to spread knowledge and information has created a world where nothing can be believed and everyone is now taking advantage of that. This is why common sense (rather than the current ‘common insanity’)needs to be re-established.  They are banking on the fact that you don’t have time to digest and discern what is real and what isn’t. Spend the time, check the sources, it’s worth it. If you can’t, just file it under ‘maybe’ rather than gospel. The era of post truth is most definitely here. That you can believe.

If you want to be even more mistrustful of the algorithms and how you and your online habits are being manipulated to swing entire elections read this article which shows how the alt. right from the U.S got seriously involved in our EU referendum: https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2017/may/07/the-great-british-brexit-robbery-hijacked-democracy

Is it to be believed? Can it be trusted? Its pretty well researched and from corroborated sources and written by a professional journalist so as much as anything can be, yes it is and its pretty fucking chilling stuff. However, like the revelations of Snowden, it might not do anything other than confirm what you already believed and re-inforce your sense of powerlessness and why being involved in the election process is pointless. But, if anything, all it does for me is show why your vote counts more than ever. They are systematically unleveling the playing field to work in their favour. We cannot allow them to get away with it. What can we do? How do we fight this? There is really only one thing you can do…Vote! Vote! Vote!

Whether you agree with the Brexit result or not, whatever your politics are, it showed one thing. Going to the polling booth does make a difference. Most of my frustration comes from feeling that I am at the mercy of the people in power who clearly have nothing but their own (and their donors) vested interests as the driving force of their actions. Voting is all we have. Until they take that away from us as well we must use it to exercise what minuscule amount of power we have as citizens. Add all those minuscule bits together and you have real power.

Am I talking to like-minded people? I have no idea. I kinda hope not. Who wants to live in an echo chamber? That’s what Google and Facebook want because the more they narrow your world the easier it is to advertise to you. That is the only reason. We cannot be afraid to hear opposing views or just slam them down because we don’t agree. If we want others to listen to you so must you be prepared to listen openly to others, even if they are from a different political side. Our brains are geared up to reject new information and instead to seek out anything that re-inforces our world view. It is called confirmation bias and it is the brain’s default. It spends its whole life trying to find things that make you think you were right all along. This is obviously some evolutionary misfire because it’s causing us to devolve. And it affects liberals and conservatives equally (acc to study in new scientist so a pretty reliable source). We can override these mental mechanisms, we just need to understand that  our brains occasionally need overriding. We need to dig deep and access the logic part  of our minds. It’s in there somewhere amidst all the bile and the bullshit…we just need to find it.


#MYLDN (929)

Me and my camera in my home town, my capital city, my london

#MYLDN (928)

Me and my camera in my home town, my capital city, my london

astute observation but clearly a bitch to spell. 

#MYLDN (927)

Me and my camera in my home town, my capital city, my london

#MYLDN (926)

Me and my camera in my home town, my capital city, my london

#MYLDN (925)

Me and my camera in my home town, my capital city, my london

My general approach to photography (and most other things) is do it, get caught, say sorry, move on. Its an approach that has served me well over the years. So far so good…

The above photograph was taken at the Jo Brocklehurst exhibition at kings cross (on till 15th) as her work was defined by drawing and documenting the myriad of fashion tribes that emerged out of the sub-culture clubs of London in 70s & 80s.

All the photographs from this week were taken on the same day.

#MYLDN (924)

Me and my camera in my home town, my capital city, my london

#MYLDN (923)

Me and my camera in my home town, my capital city, my london

This was taken on the last day of the Nathalie Djurberg & Hans Berg claymation exhibition at the Lission Gallery on Saturday, and was one of the most brilliantly mental things I have seen in a long time. This is also relatively useless information as has also now finished.

#MYLDN (922)

Me and my camera in my home town, my capital city, my london

This was taken on the last day of the Anish Kapoor exhibition at the Lisson Gallery in Marleybone (otherwise I would have told you to go see it).

#MYLDN (921)

Me and my camera in my home town, my capital city, my london





Me and my camera on a 60s weekender in Margate

To see the full gallery please click here

This week has been a glimpse into the wild weekender that is Hipsville. This year it was set in Dreamland in Margate and there couldn’t have been a more appropriate setting for this timewarp shindig. Everything in this seaside town feels like the sixties and for once the people mooching around in their vintage clobber looked more in place than the norms.

Hipsville is more like a giant house party than a festival and by the end you’ll know half the people there who are all decent friendly folk and you will have made proper friends by the end of the weekend. The attendees, from all over the world, are all united in a shared love of barnstormin’ tunes from the 60s that they want to rock out and get wasted to, delivered by both djs and bands. On the musical menu is 60s garage, surf, R&b, tittyshakers, bit of punk and some good ole fashioned trashy rock ‘n’ roll.

Fave bands for me were Viv and the Sect who came all the way from Mexico and Sir Bald Diddley & his ripcords who delivered an exhilarating set on the Sunday and have even recorded a Hipsville theme tune which has just been released on vinyl. Also must mention Davros and his deep space deviants. Had seen them before but they are proper nuts. Worth it just to hear the phrase over the mic: “Can we get some more davros in  the monitors please?”

The djs were all killer and heard some amazing records which we went suitably ape to, which was appropriate as there were quite a few gorillas mingling amongst the crowd (not real ones obvs, that would be a health hazard). We just couldn’t get enough and stayed on the dancefloor till the very bitter end each night. Turis Bang Bang from Barcelona played a couple of incredible sets. As did Carl Combover & Johnny Alpha, Zombierella, Neil & Chris Stay Sick and Cosmic Keith.  Best drop of the weekend for me was “Somebody’s always trying’ by Ted Taylor” played by Johnny Alpha and also must pay homage to the Sharks in Fezes (aka Dj Diddy Wah and Fritz Buzzsaw) who not only played great (no mean feat in a shark mask) but looked awesome too (as you can see).  You really can’t go wrong with a shark in a fez djing. Such a winning combo.

This crew also like a bit of dress up and this year’s theme was appropriately the seaside (as you might have guessed from the sight of giant jellyfish and sharks). Didn’t quite manage to get an outfit together in time so went minimal and stuck a packet of fisherman’s friends on me Fred Perry. Classy like. There were also a whole gang of go go girls who took turns up on the podium throughout the weekend and added some hip shakin’ exotica to the proceedings.

They also had a daytime roller disco but never quite made it up in time to go. The perils of a 6am finish. The plus side, however, of a dawn finish was walking along the beachfront as the sun was rising. Always a result. Had a blast all in all and hopefully will be back again. Only minor downside of event was the security who got aggressive with the drunk punters towards the end of Saturday night . For no other reason  than they were bored or fancied a bit of hostile interaction. Heavy handed and deliberately provocative, they threw people out for no good reason, seeming to forget that their job is to stop trouble rather than start it. This crowd might get  a bit raucous but there really isn’t a single smidgen of aggro amongst them.

So Gorillas, go go girls, giant jellyfish, fuzz beat  freaks and sharks in fezes – just your normal average weekend really…

Viva Hipsville! See you next year…

For more info go to: http://www.hipsville.co.uk


Me and my camera on a 60s weekender in Margate