#MYLDN (790)

Me without my camera in my home town, my capital city, my london


The Strand. One Thursday afternoon. The guy carrying the sign looked angry. It was as if he was somehow annoyed by the statement he was carrying through the streets but felt compelled to share it nonetheless. Traffic swerved to avoid him as he marched down the road which he was seemingly oblivious of, as were the passersby of him, which was slightly odd because he was carrying a 6ft by 4ft giant yellow sign. I think possibly they were just scared and trying to avoid eye contact as his enraged expression insinuated he might blow at any moment. It was as if he thought others should also die ‘for our sins’ and he would gladly help. I didn’t personally feel like making that sacrifice and edged ever so slightly away from him as he past me…


#MYLDN (789)

Me without my camera in my home town, my capital city, my london


Some kid’s plush stuffed bunny toy lay abandoned on a high street pavement in the rain. Its reflection shimmered & distorted on the wet concrete slabs. The drab and dirty rabbit looked forlorn and depressed, as I imagined was its owner without it.

I saw the kid in his room, tears rolling down his face, unable to be placated by parents who may or may not have cared. Was one of them out there on the streets diligently retracing their steps as the other one held their kid tight in their arms or were they in front of the telly, oblivious to their child’s misery? Maybe the kid was a brat and had hurled it onto the street in a fit of rage over some rejected demand? Maybe the rabbit was saved from its curbside fate, rescued by someone who just wanted to give it a good home? That someone wasn’t me by the way. I don’t have the bunny if that’s what you’re wondering. I just stepped over it like all the other passing pedestrians whilst contemplating the possible scenarios leading up to its arrival and departure…some of which I share with you now.

why #nophotoweek? explanation on friday…

#MYLDN (788)

Me without my camera in my home town, my capital city, my london


Frank’s bar is located at the top of a carpark in Peckham. I went there on a hot summer’s friday night and it was teeming with literally hundreds of people and has one of the most incredible views of London I have seen. And it was proper buzzing. Amazing vibe in a supercool location, although it did take me three trains to get there…which leads me to…

Nowadays when you are in central london at night in places like Soho where the streets were once full of life and are now dead you can’t help but wonder where all the people went and then you come out to a place like this and you go, ahhhh, THIS is where everyone is. Now I understand.

When excessively high rents forced the majority of Londoners out of London a lot got dispersed here there and everywhere but in some places such as Peckham in the South, Walthamstow in the north and Clapton in the East people actually recongregated & built new happening areas, just a lot further out. I grew up in the London suburbs and when I was young your only mission was to claw your way into the middle of the city, get as far in as you can ‘cos that was where all the life was. This seems to have been turned on its head and now everyone (due to financial factors) is heading to the outskirts. Didn’t see that coming…

P.s If you are wondering why this is a drawing and not a photograph, please stay tuned, all will be revealed at the end of the week.

#MYLDN (787)

Me and my camera in my home town, my capital city, my london

blocked party-26

To see the full gallery “Blocked Party” – please click here (no pics apart from one above featured in this weeks post)

The only news story you will ever read about the Notting Hill Carnival after the event is how many arrests there were. It is the only angle the mainstream media ever project. This year there were around 400 or so arrests. Massively up on last year. The reason? They gave police permission to do random stop and searches so that’s how they got their quota up and now there’s been an increase in violations the carnival is now up for review. What a surprise. It seems they would do anything they could to end it, I just think they don’t know how to.

If you have been you will know it can be one of the most joyful events on the planet. Mass daytime street dancing – its about as positive as the human race gets. It is us at our best. Yes people get wasted. Yes they make a mess but its only for 2 days out of 365 and we all need to let off a bit of steam now and again or else we’ll explode. They describe the behaviour as ‘anti-social’ but its the most social experience you could be a part of. Every walk of life, every age group, nationality and ethnicity all dancing to the same beat…sorry, what was the problem with this again? Which bit of that don’t we like?

There will always be a tiny element, that attend that are looking for and cause trouble. If you take the amount of attendees (roughly a million) compared with the amount of arrests it equates to 0.04%. Why should the focus be on them when the rest are celebrating life? We could look at the positives, we could see the overall good as oppose to the minuscule bit of bad. We choose what we think about. That is what shapes ourselves and the world we live in. You always have a choice and as Renton so succinctly put in Trainspotting: Choose Life.  Choose Carnival (well he didn’t actually say the last bit, I did, obvs)

One of the my favourite moments of Carnival is on the thursday before as they do a steel drum rehearsal on All Saints Rd. It used to be on at the Tabernacle on Talbot Rd but they had to move it because of complaints from the neighbours. Just to put that in perspective – its on at 8pm for 2 hours once a year and is one of the most uplifting sounds on Earth – how twisted and bitter and joyless to you have to be to want to put a stop to that? I never understood why the Quiet always get the last word? They should be quiet! (That’s irony by the way folks). Just because they might have given up on living doesn’t mean we have to…


#MYLDN (786)

Me and my camera in my home town, my capital city, my london


#MYLDN (785)

Me and my camera in my home town, my capital city, my london




#MYLDN (784)

Me and my camera in my home town, my capital city, my london

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#MYLDN (783)

Me and my camera in my home town, my capital city, my london



#MYLDN (782)

Me and my camera in my home town, my capital city, my london


This will be my last post for a bit. I am taking off August as I usually do, cos its the European way and technically we are still in Europe so I will be taking advantage of their ambivalent attitude to working in the summer whilst I still can.

August used to be known as the silly season for news as not that much used to happen as everyone went away. The way things are going at the moment I’m not sure that will be the case. Everyday seems to be the silly season. Insanity and hatred seem to have consumed people all over the globe and barely a day goes by when you don’t read about some horrendous atrocity but we mustn’t give in to hate.

As we all know (thanks to the biggest franchise on the planet) beware the dark side, it will consume you. Even if you hate the haters you’re still a hater. As someone (can’t remember who, someone clever and quotable clearly) so astutely noted: “there’s always a lot of hate at anti-hate rallies”. And so, at the risk of sounding like a hippy, love, understanding, communication and cooperation are the only ways forward. Anything that involves violence can’t possibly be a solution to violence.  Just cos the world has gone bonkers doesn’t mean we have to join it.

Enjoy the rest of your summer – see you in sept! x

#MYLDN (781)

Me and my camera in my home town, my capital city, my london

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#MYLDN (780)

Me and my camera in my home town, my capital city, my london

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#MYLDN (779)

Me and my camera in my home town, my capital city, my london

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#MYLDN (778)

Me and my camera in my home town, my capital city, my london

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#MYLDN (777)

Me and my camera in my home town, my capital city, my london

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chaos is so abundant things occasionally fall into place. We find meaning in the randomness.

It feels like design but it is just a momentary blip of order amidst the mayhem.

#MYLDN (776)

Me and my camera in my home town, my capital city, my london



#MYLDN (775)

Me and my camera in my home town, my capital city, my london

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#MYLDN (774)

Me and my camera in my home town, my capital city, my london

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#MYLDN (773)

Me and my camera in my home town, my capital city, my london

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#MYLDN (772)

Me and my camera in my home town, my capital city, my london

Serpents Time-40

To see the full gallery please click here

As posh doos go, The Serpentine pavilion Summer Party its pretty damn posh. A listers, celebs, models, billionaires, all present and correct. The crowd are definitely the “Haves”. This party came soon after the Brexit vote, which in many ways was an angry protest vote from the “Have nots” to this lot. They wanted to make then suffer like they had but looking around this party you could tell that the top echelons of society weren’t even going to break a sweat. They are just going to carry on as normal and will clearly not be affected by the upcoming downturn just as they weren’t really affected by the last economic upheaval.  Austerity is just not in their dictionary.

The guests at this party are the international jet set, with a huge European demographic, so I did wonder whether now  London would now  lose its appeal as the hub of the global rich and they might possibly move on to pastures new? Based on this bash it didn’t seem like they’d be going anywhere but if this city’s focus did move away from satisfying the needs of the elite and became more available and affordable to the 99% that would not be a terrible thing.

I have covered this party for a few years and I always feel like a spy on the inside. All the other photos being taken here are  posed shots for paps or selfies. There doesn’t appear to be anyone else documenting this from an anthropological point of view. Am I there to expose the glitz and the indulgence, incongruous & slightly grotesque in these austere times? I guess. Yes. Do I hate these people? No. Not at all. They are not the cause for the inequality in society. They are a product of it. They also put on rather splendid affairs yups? Lashings of champagne, super delish canapés dah-ling and they wear such fabulous outfits yups yups…

It is our government’s duty to address the imbalance and create policies that will invest in the rest, not just cater to the few. Trickle down economics is very much like the war on drugs. It doesn’t work. This needs to be acknowledged and we must set ourselves on a  different path. Towards fairness. Towards opportunities for all. And countrywide. Not just in London. We must listen to the grievances that drove the vote to Leave. We cannot just brush them under the carpet again and hope everything will return to normal. It won’t.

In the meantime I am going to carry on hob-nobbing with this lot, soooo clearly the people to be with when it all kicks off. As a wise man once said, shit don’t stick to glitz. Pour me another champs sweetie…

P.s Oh, I almost forgot, just as most of the guests did, the point of this bash is to celebrate the construction of the new Serpentine Pavillion, which this year is designed by The Bjarke Ingels Group (BIG), (dodgy name, sounds like an investment bank, how appropriate right?) but it is quite beautiful and every way you look at it it looks like a different structure, well worth a visit if you heading to Hyde Park.

#MYLDN (771)

Me and my camera in my home town, my capital city, my london