#MYLDN (738)

Me and my camera in my home town, my capital city, my london



#MYLDN (737)

Me and my camera in my home town, my capital city, my london


#MYLDN (736)

Me and my camera in my home town, my capital city, my london


#MYLDN (735)

Me and my camera in my home town, my capital city, my london



#MYLDN (734)

Me and my camera in my home town, my capital city, my london


This week’s subjects are all bundled together as Dedicated Followers of Fashion or DFFs for short. (not really trying to make DFF happen but what the hell, let’s throw a hashtag on there and fly my pretty, FLY!) Some bold and unusual choices admittedly but all the DFFs featured (apart from maybe the two selfie stickers above) seem to be wearing what they want to wear regardless of what others might think. They weren’t showboating, they were just being themselves.

I have made many, what might be considered,  ‘flamboyant’ fashion choices in my lifetime and continue to do so whenever the urge takes me. Fortunately I really don’t give a fuck what people think. This is a a positive as it means I don’t have to second guess my own choices, I can just run with them. Fortunately in London, most people don’t give a fuck either. This is also a positive. You can just be you and not worry a lynch mob is going to run you out of town for being ‘different’. This is a genuine bonus and definitely not to be taken for granted. One of the great perks of living in this city. (he says, desperately trying to stay positive about London after last’s weeks moanathon)

We live in a world of conformity, everyone desperately trying to get the approval of others and fit in to what society considers the norm but if we are curbing our own self-expression for perceived judgements from people we don’t even know and will never speak to, that really isn’t doing anyone any good.  Going a little deeper the philosopher Martin Heidegger (extract from “how to sound cultured” by Hodgkinson & Bergh, I shit you not) stated that we we spend most of our time living “inauthentic” lives, worried about the opinions of people who don’t really care for us, and who in any case cannot save us from death – so why are we striving to impress them?   (ok, so this was supposed to be a frothy piece on eccentric fashionistas and I’ve dived straight into the pointlessness of existence driven by the fear of our own mortality, oops)

The truth is, even if people have major issue with your style statements they will never say it to your face so you’re never really going to know for  sure which means you are essentially free to do as you please.  Liberation through blissful ignorance.

So if you’ve got some funky top you’re just dying to wear but didn’t dare? Get it on! Got a wild hat which makes you feel like the biz but you’re worried what your mates will say? Wear that baby! Got a snazzy dress that is like totally ‘out there’? Get that mofo on!! Time to step out of the shadows DFFs! (not to be confused with a cheap sofa retail outlet)

p.s is it time yet for snazzy to make a comeback? come, on, get your asses on social media and #bringsnazzyback !!


#MYLDN (733)

Me and my camera in my home town, my capital city, my london

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#MYLDN (732)

Me and my camera in my home town, my capital city, my london


#MYLDN (731)

Me and my camera in my home town, my capital city, my london


#MYLDN (730)

Me and my camera in my home town, my capital city, my london

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#MYLDNites (44) – Lea Anderson at the V&A

Me and my camera in my home town, my capital city, my london nights

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this photograph and yesterdays (election special one) were both taken at choreographer Lea Anderson’s recent performance/exhibition at the V&A which showcased a selection of her previous work in conjunction with costume designer Sandy powell and Steve blake who composed the music. Featuring short bursts of productions through the years they were all unified by a unique & arresting vision. Funny, grotesque, surreal, twisted, brilliant and truly beautiful, each one created its own little world  of inspired insanity, exploring the vagueness of gender and the demented nature of desire (well, that was my interpretation and I’m running with it)

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Performance dance is a little out of my jurisdiction normally but was utterly captivated by these bizarre creations, played by final year students from the london school of contemporary dance. They moved amongst the crowd with unnerving proximity and transported you into an alice in wonderland alternate reality. We, the audience had to shuffle around the space following each performance which erupted spontaneously at different parts of the room. 2 hours went past in the blink of a spotlight.

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It was truly mesmerising and it was free and a perfect example of what is great about this city. After yesterday, I wanted to leave this week on a more positive note. I feel very passionately about this city which is why I get riled up. I’ve been watching Daredevil recently and he’s always going on about his city and what it means to him and I kinda feel the same way, although I don’t go out at night and beat up bad guys to a pulp to prove that point. Maybe if I had his super sense skills and his billy club  maybe I would, although the costume looks like it might chafe a bit and so I daredevil digress….

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However there is something about being part of a giant metropolis that makes you feel you want to defend it. It gets its teeth into you and you feel inextricably bound to it. You feel like it defines you somehow which is why I want London to remain a positive place where everyone, no matter who you are or where you are from, can live here and survive.

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I love being part of this giant multicultural ant colony but the worker ants need to be able to live in the colony and not have to commute to the colony. Its just not the same. Have I ended on a more positive note? Hmmm, not sure.



(hence the double post today, please forgive me, the short week threw me)

MYLDNites 43-2

This week’s photographs features events I have been to recently..exhibitions, gigs, dance performances..there is still a lot going on at night in London but the utter unaffordability of living in the centre of our city has meant that the nocturnal streets are a far quieter place than they used to be.

On Friday night I walked through Soho to Covent Garden just after 11pm and it was dead. What was once teeming with people into the early hours of the morning is now relatively quiet by 10pm. It seems that everyone has drinks after work then makes their way back home because they now live miles away, pushed further and further out by ever increasing rents and astronomical house prices. But when these people were forced out, purely for financial reasons, they were not replaced. Properties were bought, not to live in, but as investments, and mostly by foreign buyers, so those places are empty. Where human beings once were, ghosts of property portfolios now reside.

Figures released by the Office for National Statistics show that, in the year to June last year, 58,220 people aged 30-39 left the capital – the highest number on record and a 10% increase on 2010. So the 30 somethings have left and the 20 somethings are broke and can’t go out which means central city nightlife is now so much quieter than it used to be. And all the duller for it.

My city has been gutted and I’m gutted about it.

House prices in the capital have risen by 19% in the past year alone. The average property in London now costs  around £535,000, the UK average is £185,700. Rent is also now so expensive it is leaving people with so little to play with they can’t afford to do anything else. The rent situation is now so bad a new hashtag has recently emerged on twitter called #RantYourRent with people demonstrating their appalling living conditions and how much they are paying for them. It is truly despicable what landlords are getting away with and no-one is stopping them. Click here to see examples.

Will the city ever repopulate? Under the current situation, no, its impossible. It would take a strong politician to solve the problem but the solution is simple. Just introduce a rent cap and stop allowing property owners to suck their tenants dry. They have introduced rent caps in other cities in Europe and they have worked completely so why not here where we need it the most?

According to latest figures from the English Housing Survey, London tenants pay 72% of earnings on rent!  3/4 of their entire salary! In other parts of the country and in Europe they might be a third. It would be a joke if it was funny. And even if landlords here charged what was fair they would still be making a killing. So why do we put up with it? I think its because Britain was born out of a feudal society, where the landowners ruled and nothing has really changed. We are the peasants but we’re not revolting..maybe we should be.

There is an election today in London and there is only one real issue worth voting for in this city and its for more affordable living  –  if you do not like what has happened to this city then maybe you should use your vote to fight to get it back…personally I am just so sick of moaning about it and sure you might be sick of hearing about it (although I have deliberately tried to restrain myself over last six months for fear of utter gentrification fatigue) but I can’t pretend its not happening and everything is ok.

I guess I just never wanted to be one of those people banging on about how much better things used to be but that is exactly what I’ve become. This blog was initially designed to celebrate this city, it was not supposed to be a moan fest. People who are now moving into the city will never know how vibrant and varied and inclusive this city was as they would never have seen it but I have and I miss it deeply. The city of culture is now a city of commerce and the knock on effect it has had is huge.

New London is a shadow of its former self , its inhabitants residing in the shadows of endless blocks of luxury flats that no normal person could ever afford to live in. And when I say ‘normal’, I mean all the average earners, who lets face it, are most of us, being able to survive in this glorious city. It was do-able on a basic salary and now it isn’t and the difference is extraordinary.

I know this city is still teeming with millions of people but they’re now having to get bussed in and out. No-one lives in the centre anymore. If you do you are an anomaly these days. So many of my friends have had to leave the centre and be pushed out as far as zone 6 or even have to leave the city to get reasonably priced accommodation. The migration to areas such as Brighton,hove, hastings etc, which I would now refer to as zone 7  is now for some the only financially viable alternative.

I went on the Millennium wheel at night recently and right across the horizon in every direction all you could see was tons of these tiny little red lights. They looked like fireflies hovering in the night sky but they were all cranes, all busy building buildings that were of no use to most folk. Well done, good job!

A mayor who gave a shit about this could maybe make a difference. Don’t waste your vote, it could make a difference.

(p.s this photograph was taken from lea anderson’s performance at the V&A, more of that tomorrow…)

#MYLDNites (42)

Me and my camera in my home town, my capital city, my london nights

MYLDNItes 42


#MYLDNites (41)

Me and my camera in my home town, my capital city, my london nights

MYLDNItes 41

This is July Talk. Terrible name, pretty good band. They were playing at Kokos at an NME presents event which means it was packed but not necessarily of their fans and even though they were headliners on the bill no-one really seemed to paying attention. The young crowd seemed much more interested in themselves, their phones and their mates. The band were delivering but no-one was bothering to check the post. At one point the girl in the band shouted to the crowd “We need you to help us sing the next song” and someone in the crowd shouted back “SING IT YOURSELF!”.

#MYLDNites (40)

Me and my camera in my home town, my capital city, my london nights

MYLDNites 40

#MYLDN (729)

Me and my camera in my home town, my capital city, my london


Random abandons this week. Discarded objects that hint at a deeper story. Did louise or Rachel ever receive a call? Was the girl in the Cher wig the belle of the ball or did disaster strike? Where is that drunk punk now? Who is that woman in that passport photo? And did someone actually get sent in the post?? I have no answers to these questions sadly…but maybe you don’t need them, who needs information when you have an imagination?





#MYLDN (728)

Me and my camera in my home town, my capital city, my london



#MYLDN (727)

Me and my camera in my home town, my capital city, my london



#MYLDN (726)

Me and my camera in my home town, my capital city, my london


#MYLDN (725)

Me and my camera in my home town, my capital city, my london


Despacio in the Desert

Me and my camera at Coachella, my U.S festival,  my Despacio in the desert


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Despaciolimbo anyone?

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one devoted fan was so enraptured she made her own despacio badges and handed them out on the final day.

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I just got back from Despacio at Coachella Pt 1 . I am still reeling. Before this one there have only been 7 other Despacios – Manchester Int Festival, Hammersmith Town Hall, The Roundhouse x 2, Glastonbury, Sonar, Electric Picnic and now Coachella. It is going to be rolling out again this weekend for Part 2 of the festival and I am already gutted I am not going to be there. Out of the ones listed above I have been to them all bar one (Electric Picnic) and despite personally clocking up over a hundred hours on the Despacio dance floor (maybe more than anyone else on the planet) there is no drop off. Its impact has not diminished on me. I still cannot get enough. My love has not faded, it js still continuing to grow. I am basically now addicted to this ultimate dance experience and everything it delivers. When I am on the floor there is nowhere else I want to be. When I am somewhere else all I want to do is be back on the floor. Not only is it as good as it has ever been but it is actually getting better.

This was the first time it had come to America and for the young Californian crowd at Coachella, the largely mp3 generation who have been raised in a world of compressed music were literally jaw-dropped walking into the Despacio tent. It is impossible not to be. Despacio is there to show you how it can be, how it should be. It makes you feel that you are being hugged & caressed by the music rather than being repeatedly hit over the head. I watched their faces light up. It was clear from their reaction they had not even come close to hearing music sound this good before. And how could they? There is nothing on earth quite like it.  Most stumbled upon it by accident which made its discovery all the more incredible for those that found it.

It was tucked away in a corner of the festival with no great signage so it was often only the adventurous & the inquisitive that were rewarded. I was standing next to this guy beaming from ear to ear at the end of day 2 and he turned to me and simply said “tell no-one!” It was so good he didn’t even want to share it with the hoards on site. But as everyone started to talk about it, it quickly became known as the best kept secret of the festival. By the Sunday, I am in the queue going through security to get into the festival (which is a little on the extreme side to understate it severely) and the people behind and in front of me were talking about Despacio so I knew the word was out.

The gloriousness & uniqueness of Despacio is that you don’t really care who else is there. It is joyful to look up as you are dancing your socks off and see the same level of exhilaration in the eyes of those you are surrounded by & you intrinsically know you feel identical without even exchanging a single word but even if you were there on your own it would still be off the chart incredible. You are at one with the music being played, you get lost in the groove, in your own moves & come to the zen like realisation, everything about it is better than you have ever witnessed. The sound, the lights, the music, the crowd, the vibe, you…everything is superior by comparison to what you have already been to. This is as good as it gets.

What Despacio makes you want to do more than anything is bust some serious moves.  You are not just dancing. You are rocking out with everything you’ve got. Maybe because the sound is so much fuller, cleaner, stronger, more complete you feel it better, better than you ever have felt it before and as a result you are a better dancer than you ever have been before. You pull off moves with confidence. You bullseye the beat. You surf the rhythm. You tiptoe along the tempo. You’re John Travolta, Jacko & Gene Kelly all rolled into one. But you look up and everyone else is doing the same. And you are dancing together in circles. Strangers together busting full on moves and loving each other for it. When does that ever happen?

A lot of the people coming into it at Coachella might have only previously  known the dancing experience that is the EDM face the front in rows dj worship bullshit but Despacio shows there is another way. A better way. It shows you can dance with each other and connect completely. How can you do that when you are always staring at someone’s back? It shows you that crescendo is nothing without the build up. You are taken on a journey, an undulating wave that guides you, lifts you and then lays you gently down before scooping you up again and firing you off into the stratosphere. Despacio is the dance antidote to the techno foot shuffle. You cannot just foot tap & head nod your way through it, it has control of your limbs, it will do what it wishes with you.

I keep using ‘it’ as if it is the machine doing all this and maybe that is because you are surrounded by these 7 speaker stacks and that is all you can see. But it is the ‘they’ behind the ‘it’ that are making you feel this way. Tucked away from sight are the 3 people driving this overwhelmingly positive feeling: James Murphy (LCD) and Stephen and David Dewaele (2manydjs). They are the creators and curators of this perfect analogue experience. They dj together for over 7 hours each day and every choice they make feels like the right one. It is a seamless stream of killer tune after killer tune. Some tracks you know, songs that you love inside out but which sound better than you have ever and will ever hear them and then there is so much you haven’t heard before but which you love instantly. Epic tracks that land for the first time. It is mind-blowing how good the sets are. Although there are now tunes which are full on Despacio moments that you long for and which detonate like joy grenades (Jungle Boogie, fly like an eagle, plastic dreams to name but a few)  at least 50% is always new. Obscure moments of magnificence delivered one piece of vinyl at at time by the expert hands of the djs who you cannot see but who you feel at all times.

One of the greatest thing about Despacio and possibly the reason why it is not getting boring is that it is always different. It always somehow manages to morph into something else depending on where it is and who is inside it. The largely L.A crowd at Coachella turned it into a full on house party, the best house party in the world..ok, its not in a house, its in a tent but that was the vibe so sue me. They were also the first crowd to ever do a conga in despacio and also the first to have a limbo competition. It makes me people be silly. This is a good thing. If you wanna look cool go elsewhere. This is for anyone who don’t give a shit.

Not everyone that comes through the doors gets it. For some it is too far from familiar, too different to what they know, they don’t have a point of reference and for some that is too much. But I feel, rather than them choosing, it is Despacio who decides who goes and who stays. The machine filters out those who won’t be able to lose themselves in it and keeps the ones who will. It has its own natural selection process and keeps the ones who connect with it will give their all to it. And they stay for the duration.  And then they come back the next day. By day 3 I know a good chunk of the people on the floor and we are start to interact and become friends and dance together. We know we feel the same. We see it in each other’s eyes.

I have made friends on the floor at every Despacio. And at each new one I always run into people from previous events. A guy came up to me at one point who I met at Sonar and we hug like 0ld mates. By day 3 I am hugging people I met on day 1. We are all now together as one.

In some ways it is a little bit pointless talking about Despacio unless you have experienced it first hand. If you were there at the weekend you will know what I am talking about. You have probably been banging on about it to everyone ever since just like me. It is very easy to become a Despacio bore because you want people to know how spectacular it is but until you actually go you will never really know what we are talking about. If you are at Coachella this weekend do whatever you can to get there and drag everyone you know to it, they will definitely not be disappointed. The only downside is that it will make everything seem shit by comparison. You have been warned.

To read my review of the very first Despacio please click here 

To see film from lovebox please click here

Despacio will next be appearing at the Panorama festival in New York July 22-24 – do whatever it takes to get there…I will be.