Me and my camera in someone else’s town, my an daingean, my dingle


Happy new year!

Wishing you a festive whatever…


..wherever you are, whatever you’re into, whoever you’re with…just make it a good one!

I know I said it was my last post of the year, clearly I lied. Somehow seemed wrong to end the year on rusty plinths. Not that I really give two hoots bout xmas but feel it is important to celebrate what is good in our lives and be thankful for everything we have. Never take anything or anyone for granted. Remember, its a jungle out there…

bcr x

#MYLDN (652)

Question: What am I?



Answer: I am a rusty plinth where a sculpture once stood.

And so endeth this week’s series of worlds within worlds. To see the full gallery please click here

All photographs available as prints. Please see info page for prices & sizes.

This is also my last post of the year. Wishing you all a great holiday and see you in 2016!

Star Wars Premiere Special

Me and my camera at the Star Wars Premiere!

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a very blurry photo of George Lucas but worth it for the reaction of the guy trying to get his attention. star wars special-6

Carrie Fisher being interviewed in front of the crowd and her own gi-normous poster face.

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Simon Pegg talking to JJ Abrahams before the movie. Looks like he’s still angry about the Phantom Menace.

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Lucas at one end, JJ Abrahams at the other and about 30 odd years, 3 prequels and every star involved in-between them.

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I was lucky enough to be invited (thank you Conor!) to the Star wars Force Awakens European Premiere at Leicester Square last night and I have to say I have never been to a spectacle quite like it. It was out of control insane. The superfans were going absolutely apeshit. It was like the Second Coming and in some ways it was. The cult of Star Wars has been building and building over the years and even the terrible prequels did nothing to reduce devotion and enthusiasm.

Lucas, JJ abrahams and every one of the stars of the movie were there and the stupidly excited crowd went suitably mental for them. In the auditorium it was also a star studded event. Every time you turned your head you saw another ‘A’ lister but they all were all acting like excited school kids. It would appear that Star Wars is clearly bigger than everyone else.

For what was essentially an industry affair, the atmosphere inside the Odeon was buoyant to say the least..at one point they cut to a live shot of nelson’s column which suddenly lit up like a light saber and the audience cheered like a Wembley stadium crowd.  The roar doubled when the credits started. There was a young girl behind me screaming incessantly and her mum tried to calm her down and she exclaimed: “I can’t help it!” If the 7yr old version of myself had been there he would probably have been doing the same.

And there you have it. What’s that you say? What’s the film like? I’m afraid I can’t comment. The force has sealed my lips shut.

#MYLDN (651)

QUESTION: What am I?



MYLDN 651-2

Answer: I am a disused refrigeration unit outside a corner shop

#MYLDN (650)

QUESTION: What am I?



MYLDN 650-2

Answer: I am a mouldy Merc

#MYLDN (649)

QUESTION: What am I?



MYLDN 649-2

Answer: I am a missing panel in the side wall of the Science Museum.

#MYLDN 648

QUESTION: What am I?


ANSWER:   I am a sink in the art department of the now defunct BBC Televison Centre at White City.

MYLDN 648-2

#MYLDNites (39)

Me and my camera in my home town, my capital city, my london nights

MYLDNites 39

more (and mostly male) glimpses of London nightlife this week –  festive season is already in full effect and there are drunk casualties everywhere you go. This guy was on the night bus trying to engage people with his gourd. As you can see not many are paying attention as they are passed out. But then again it was 3:30am…they must have been tired bless ’em. What this man is doing with a gourd at 3:30 in the morning I have no idea. It doesn’t seem like the obvious choice for a going out prop. What am I doing out at 3:30am? Taking pictures of men with squash…clearly.

please note: I have just installed lovely shiny big digital sharing buttons on my blog posts so if you feel an uncontrollable urge to extend this photographic experience beyond your own eyeballs please do so. If you are one of my hallowed subscribers and are reading this in an email  just click on the pic to go thru to the aforementioned buttons and you can share this priceless moment of observation with the world. Don’t thank me, its a gift, it is the time of giving after all…

#MYLDNites (38)

Me and my camera in my home town, my capital city, my london nights

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#MYLDNites (37)

Me and my camera in my home town, my capital city, my london nights

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#MYLDNites (36)

Me and my camera in my home town, my capital city, my london nights



#MYLDNites (35)

Me and my camera in my home town, my capital city, my london nights

MYLDNites 35

This is Lucy, she is the bravest person I know. Her daughters will also know this one day. Her dear departed Ben already does x

#MYLDNites (34)

Me and my camera in my home town, my capital city, my london nights

MYLDNites 34

Ladies of the night this week, nocturnal gents next week…

#MYLDNites (33)

Me and my camera in my home town, my capital city, my london nights

MYLDNites 33

#MYLDNites (32)

Me and my camera in my home town, my capital city, my london nights

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#MYLDNites (31)

Me and my camera in my home town, my capital city, my london nights

MYLDNites 31

#MYLDNites (30)

Me and my camera in my home town, my capital city, my london nights

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#MYLDN (647)

Me and my camera in my home town, my capital city, my london


In case you hadn’t noticed its pictures of people carrying things this week…a metaphor for the weight of the world on our shoulders? A comment on the burden of living? A visual to highlight the heaviness of existence..eeehh. Maybe. I guess. If that’s what you see.  Yet sometime we are too quick to assign meaning where there is none. Some things just are. As Freud might have said sometimes a guy with a google streetview camera bot strapped to his back is just a guy with a google streetview camera bot strapped to his back. (obvs if he had lived today and was fucked off with his whole life being constantly recorded)

#MYLDN (646)

Me and my camera in my home town, my capital city, my london