#MYBGMO (08)

Me and my camera in someone else’s town, my return trip, my Bergamo


#MYBGMO (07)

Me and my camera in someone else’s town, my return trip, my Bergamo


#MYBGMO (06)

Me and my camera in someone else’s town, my return trip, my Bergamo


#MYBGMO (05)

Me and my camera in someone else’s town, my return trip, my Bergamo


So I just about squeezed out my TED talk on Saturday without any major mishap..I did have a minor brain wobble for about 12 seconds, (i.e. a lifetime) when I momentarily lost my way but managed to veer myself back on course. Fortunately my mouth kept moving which allowed my brain time to work out what the fuck I was actually supposed to be saying. I was praying I might have got away with it but I shouldn’t have worried..I found out after that out of the 500 Italians in the auditorium only 28 had coughed up for translation headsets so there was a good chance that they hadn’t understood a word I said at all and had just seen me waving my arms around for 15 minutes..which was somewhat of a relief.

I will be continuing with my Bergamo theme this week as it is a town full of fantastic looking characters at ever turn..

#MYBGMO (04)

Me and my camera in someone else’s town, my weekend trip, my Bergamo


This week’s photographs were from the beautiful town of Bergamo in Italy. I was there last week for a rehearsal for a TED talk that I am giving there this Saturday afternoon (11th april 3pm GMT +1)  so will be winging my way back there tomorrow.

I am talking on the subject of, yup, you guessed it, The Death of Conversation, so if you want to watch me do my smartphone routine in front an auditorium full of Italians you can watch it live stream on: http://www.tedxbergamo.com. There will be a button that says “Guarda l’evento in streaming” which is Italian for “Have a butchers at this”…Molto Bene!

#MYBGMO (03)

Me and my camera in someone else’s town, my weekend trip, my Bergamo


#MYBGMO (02)

Me and my camera in someone else’s town, my weekend trip, my Bergamo


#MYBGMO (01)

Me and my camera in someone else’s town, my weekend trip, my Bergamo



#MYLDN (535)

Me and my camera in my home town, my capital city, my london


To see the full gallery “Parallel Portal Puddles” please click here

It is now widely assumed among physicists that we live inside a multi-verse, a potentially limitless amount of universes whose alternate dimensions are possibly all sandwiched on top of each other in the most unfathomable of ways. As if the ridiculous sized universe that we lived in wasn’t a head fuck enough.

Now and again I feel I can see into these parallel worlds. A glimpse beyond our own reality. They might be just puddles to you by I see portals into other worlds, cracks in time and space. It looks like you could leap feet first into them and disappear into another sphere of existence. But on the other side, another version of you might be thinking exactly the same thing…I guess the grass is always greener on the other side of the dimensional portal.

p.s its been raining

p.p.s its a short week here in U.K. Its Good Thursday..enjoy your long weekend..see you on tuesday!

#MYLDN (534)

Me and my camera in my home town, my capital city, my london


#MYLDN (533)

Me and my camera in my home town, my capital city, my london


#MYLDN (532)

Me and my camera in my home town, my capital city, my london


#MYLDN (531)

Me and my camera in my home town, my capital city, my london


If you see someone standing still it is nearly always because they are having a fag, staring into their phone or waiting for a friend. When they are doing none of these things, they  immediately stand out amidst the motion. Everyone in London is always travelling at a pace, people rarely slow down let alone stop. To see this human punctuation mark can be somewhat disconcerting. It looks odd as do the people doing it.

One of the reasons people took up smoking and smartphones is that they needed a prop whilst they are having a break from life so they did not draw attention to themselves. If you just stand on a street corner and do nothing you look strange which is strange in itself. We should be allowed to have the occasional time out and not be earmarked as a weirdo for doing it…maybe a “Back in 5” sign around the neck  could be the new go-to “I just want to stand here for a bit and do nothing if that’s alright with everyone else” prop. They’d go like hot cakes, right? I feel a kickstarter project coming on…anyone in?

#MYLDN (530)

Me and my camera in my home town, my capital city, my london


#MYLDN (529)

Me and my camera in my home town, my capital city, my london

MYLDN 529-2

#MYLDN (528)

Me and my camera in my home town, my capital city, my london

MYLDN 528-1-2

#MYLDN (527)

Me and my camera in my home town, my capital city, my london


#MYLDN (526)

Me and my camera in my home town, my capital city, my london

MYLDN 526b

the connection between this week’s set of photographs is that they all show a story unfolding,  a story that isn’t fully revealed. They create the beginning of a narrative but no end…they ask more questions than they answer. I could tell you what I saw first hand and give you my opinion on what is going on in each one but I will leave it up to your imagination. That way you the viewer becomes involved, you begin to tell your own story. Werner Herzog said the truth should never get in the way of a good story and what Werner says goes!

#MYLDN (525)

Me and my camera in my home town, my capital city, my london

MYLDN 525b

#MYLDN (524)

Me and my camera in my home town, my capital city, my london