#MYLDN (523)

Me and my camera in my home town, my capital city, my london


#MYLDN (522)

Me and my camera in my home town, my capital city, my london


Beebycakes battles Soup

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The bcc news online website featured an article about my “death of conversation” gallery yesterday entitled “People not talking to each Other”.  Have to say, I was pretty damn chuffed. Their website is my daily go-to  source for all my current affairs information and so my life as a content consumer and content supplier crossed paths for the first time. And it was the BBC for God’s sake, this was pretty immense…

And yet, once this accomplishment had sunk in, I did what we humans always do once we get somewhere and achieve something…I moved the goalposts. Being on the website was great and everything but now I wanted to be in the “most popular” section. That was where I always went first to see what was being read and shared and that’s where I wanted to be.

And to my great delight, in the space of a few hours and after a few thousand shares there I was in the Top 5. Amazing. But very shortly that wasn’t quite enough. I wanted to be at the top of that list and I started to look at my competition. The very sad demise of Terry Practchett was at No.1 and I didn’t really want to compete with him. What about my other rivals? “India bridegroom dumped after failed maths test” was getting a lot of action. Why hadn’t he done his homework? His numerical deficiencies were costing me dear. And then an article about soup started to crawl its way up, I mean, soup?? When did that ever get the headlines? Why soup? Why now?

But I hung in there as the day went on and at one point I was up to no.2 (as per above screenshot) but that damn mathematically challenged groom thing was in the top spot. Terry bless him was already on the way down and soon so was I. Once I got overtook by “Measles sceptic loses court battle” I knew was on my way out.

By the time I woke up this morning I was down to number 5 and knew there was no way I could compete with the latest entries which included “world’s ugliest woman bullied by trolls” and  “first successful penis transplant”. I was very shortly out of the charts. It was all over.

24 hours of relevance is about all you can hope to get from the relentless feed of non-stop stories which bombard us every minute of every day. The nature of viralness is that its heavy hitting but fast and furious. Bit like a..umm..virus weirdly.

What I found interesting is that the numbers are never enough. You are always left wanting more..ironically just like the ‘computer cuddles’ that are mentioned in my article. (yes I am trying to make “computer cuddles” happen). And that is why its best not to take any of it too seriously or think that an extra zero at the end of your stats is going to make the difference in your dopamine reward centre. It won’t. It all feels the same regardless.

When you see the insanely rapid turnover of information it makes it all feel somewhat transient and unimportant. The modern appetite for something new seems to know no bounds for today’s hungry content consumer. We all skim, we all flick, we are all absorbing data at a much more intense speed than any previous generations have done before but it does feel like less is going in. What’s the point of reading it if you don’t properly register it? Anyway, this may or may not have gone in, you have most likely moved on to the ‘penis transplant’ story already…but you better read it quick, there’s something else coming just round the corner, and another, and another….

ADDITIONAL: My dear friend Patrick (who is in one of the pictures) has been plastered all over the world as a result and received some possibly unwanted attention so I wanted to re-dress the balance with something positive by directing you to his company ‘Make My Home Green’ which is busy solving our environmental and financial problems with insulation solutions. Please check out his website here: http://www.makemyhomegreen.com

#MYLDN (521)

Me and my camera in my home town, my capital city, my london


this week’s photographs were all taken on a stroll along the Grand Union canal which travels right through London. It is a stunning way to be able to walk through the city without having to deal with people and cars and buildings and noise. It provides peace and quiet in a secret passageway of serenity amidst the mayhem. On a sunny day this is a beautiful thing. On any day in London this is a beautiful thing. 

If you want to see the gallery “canalside” please click here 


In other news…I’M ON THE BBC NEWS! http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/magazine-31855389



#MYLDN (520)

Me and my camera in my home town, my capital city, my london


#MYLDN (519)

Me and my camera in my home town, my capital city, my london


#MYLDN (518)

Me and my camera in my home town, my capital city, my london


#MYLDN (517)

Me and my camera in my home town, my capital city, my london


#MYLDN (516)

Me and my camera in my home town, my capital city, my london



The theme behind this week is entitled “The Invisibles”. Please click here to view full gallery

They are in our peripheral vision. Those who society would rather not think about, who people would rather ignore. They are hidden in plain sight but everyone turns a blind eye. They are referred to as the outcasts of society but they are still very much present within it and we cannot pretend they aren’t there.

I saw a documentary on the homeless and in interviews they stated that the thing that they found the most demoralising  was not sleeping on the streets but being ignored. It made them feel like they didn’t exist. Even if you can’t or don’t want to give money an acknowledgement costs nothing.  It is literally the least we can do but it might mean the most to them.


#MYLDN (515)

Me and my camera in my home town, my capital city, my london


#MYLDN (514)

Me and my camera in my home town, my capital city, my london


#MYLDN (513)

Me and my camera in my home town, my capital city, my london


#MYLDN (512)

Me and my camera in my home town, my capital city, my london


#MYLDNites (25)

Me and my camera in my home town, my capital city, my london…at night

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I know it looks like a hit and run, and normally I might just leave it to your imaginations but I don’t want you to think I photographed people as they were severely injured…you are looking at the conclusion of a very long run up of a drunk guy who leapt onto his also drunk mate at full pelt, causing them to career into the road and collapse. They are laughing not writhing in agony…I promise!

and so wraps up another week of London nitelife in all of its messy magnificent glory…with most of the action coming from Peckham. The relentless rise of rents and house prices have forced young people with limited funds to be pushed from pillar to post as they look for affordable places to live in our stupidly expensive city. Each time they turn up somewhere it inevitably becomes trendy and subsequently a victim of its own success which always results in rent hikes. This makes it prohibitively expensive for the people that essentially made it a happening area and they trot on to the next postcode in search of cost effective living.

They got turfed out of west london when that kicked off so went East to Shoreditch which was a brief respite before being pushed on to Hackney and then on again to Dalston and now they have ended up down South in Peckham. They won’t last. The gentrification process means its already over as it becomes more desirable and inevitably more expensive so they will be moved on again. But where? Once South goes, there will essentially be nowhere left except for the outskirts and who wants to live out there? And if they are pushed out there, what kind of a city will it become when all the young, cool people, the artists and the musicians have been ejected from the centre? It will go the way of Paris and New York, a rich boring middle.

Grayson Perry the artist stated that whenever the Super Rich move in to an area it becomes a cultural desert and its painful to watch him be proved right. The only way around this is to have rent control but in this city, that ain’t ever happening…the councils will always side with the property owners rather than the inhabitants so what to do? Berlin calling? Anyone?

This week I used sequences of photographs rather than solo shots. Bursts of stills can sometimes create a greater sense of immediacy and make you feel like you are actually there. If you had been there the brain would have remembered it in snap shot form so it somehow matches and that is appealing to our minds…although based on the state of some of the those I have captured, its highly unlikely they will remember anything at all.

p.s Happy Birthday Chris!

#MYLDNites (24)

Me and my camera in my home town, my capital city, my london…at night

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..and so this is the crowd from the hawaiian bop night at the Bussey Building on Valentine’s night as they rocked out to The Top Cats. They were mashed up and it was rammed. It was kinda wild.  Worth the queue I showed you earlier in the week? If you’re looking for a room stacked full of people going apeshit then I guess so…

#MYLDNites (23)

Me and my camera in my home town, my capital city, my london…at night

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These photographs were taken of the band The Top Cats at the Hawaiian Bop nite in the aforementioned Bussey Building in Peckham on Valentine’s night. Tomorrow I will show you the crowd…

#MYLDNites (22)

Me and my camera in my home town, my capital city, my london…at night

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Just a regular Thursday night in Camden around 3am…

#MYLDNites (21)

Me and my camera in my home town, my capital city, my london…at night

This is the beginning of one very long queue to get into one niteclub in London on Saturday night around 11.30pm outside the Bussey Building in Peckham…clearly its all happening in Peckham..who’da tawt it? To see the full sequence please click here

MYLDNites 21-2

A security guard for the club eventually came up and asked me who I was and why was I taking pictures of the queue…I duly told him that I was a photographer and that I have never seen a queue that long for a niteclub in London in a very long time, possibly never. He seemed happy with the answer and left me alone.  We had planned to go in but weirdly were put off by the gargantuan wait time. I have been into the bussey building and it is a great venue but my ability to wait in line does not extend quite that far…

MYLDNites 21-12




This week’s photographs were all taken of actors before they went into an audition.  To see the full gallery please click here.

When you strip someone of everything do you see them as they really are? Without anything extraneous to help our brains make judgement, we are forced to look in the eyes to make an evaluation. The eyes always reveal the most of a person but we don’t always choose to look at them, preferring to make decisions based on superficial details such as clothes,age and size. Take it all away and maybe you  have a more honest, more revealing portrait of  a person.



