#MYLDN (494)

Me and my camera in my home town, my capital city, my london


#MYLDN (493)

Me and my camera in my home town, my capital city, my london


Day 2 of trees that look like twiglets. I did a whole gallery a while back to these oddball alien winter stumps..please click here to view. why am i still taking pictures of them you ask? They’re trees that look like giant twiglets..come on, what’s not to like?

(if you are possibly from a country other than the U.K and have no idea what twiglets are I suggest you look them up, then order some..just ask my cousins Tyler & Oliver…they luuurve them…)

Dopamine Fiend – The Video!

Here is a pop video I have just shot & cut for new release by Da7 feat. Annie Bea…enjoy!

Dopamine Fiend by Da7 feat. Annie Bea

#MYLDN (492)

Me and my camera in my home town, my capital city, my london


#MYLDN (491)

Me and my camera in my home town, my capital city, my london

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This week’s set of photographs have all been added to the gallery “Dead in The Mincers” (click here  to view). The subjects that feature in this collection all seem as if they are staring directly at me, almost posing but what is being recorded is actually a fleeting moment of recognition, they have noticed me but are unaware of what I am doing. Each shot would have taken place in a split second without me even stopping. What is recorded is a stolen portrait, unguarded and unposed.

The other fact they have in common is that they were all shot on Portobello Road.

p.s if anyone missed the earlier definition of “dead in the mincers” its old cockney rhyming slang meaning to look someone straight in the eye.

#MYLDN (490)

Me and my camera in my home town, my capital city, my london

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The gentlemen on my left featured in an earlier #MYLDN set which focussed on people who wore their discontent on their faces (click here to view) …it would appear he has a partner who compliments him well.

#MYLDN (489)

Me and my camera in my home town, my capital city, my london

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#MYLDN (488)

Me and my camera in my home town, my capital city, my london

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#MYLDN (487)

Me and my camera in my home town, my capital city, my london

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#MYLDN (486)

Me and my camera in my home town, my capital city, my london

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The dust has barely settled on the excess of the holidays and already everyone is out in force trying to shed the pounds they’ve added. I have always felt that the xmas industry and the fitness industry are somehow in collusion. You mess em up and we’ll sort em out. You fat ’em, we’ll thin ’em. New years resolutions are exploited by gyms who know that by March at least 2/3rds of  their new members will disappear never to return again.

If you wanted to go against the grain and not feel you were just going through someone else’s hoops I would suggest doing it in reverse next year…get fit while everyone else is getting wasted and then go out while the rest work out. Time to ditch the herd…welcome to 2015!

#MYLDN (485)

Me and my camera in my home town, my capital city, my london

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#MYLDN (484)

Me and my camera in my home town, my capital city, my london

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sorry, bit late…

#MYLDN (483)

Me and my camera in my home town, my capital city, my london

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#MYLDN (482)

Me and my camera in my home town, my capital city, my london


Happy New Year!

#MYLDN (481)

Me and my camera in my home town, my capital city, my london

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..and so I leave you for this year with a slightly disturbing  photo of a scary baby with a crucifix, it is xmas after all…thanks for tuning in this year and see you in 2015!

#MYBRCLNite (#lode2manydjs special)

Me and my camera in someone else’s home town, my weekend xmas jolly up, my Barcelona

Incredible city (barcelona) Incredible club (Razzmattazz), Incredible line-up (#lode2manydjs) = Incredible night x loads.


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loadsJarvis ( or “Ccharbis” as the spanish say) gets his inner skeleton on as Relaxed Muscle in the Pop Bar

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Mixhell go apeshit in their live  set on friday night…one cool couple who can rock the shit out of any crowd..

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Nancy Whang (lcd sound system) kicked it off big time in the lo-lita room with some seriously groovy tunes.


Agent K from Double Agent 7 after their rocking set in the pop bar.

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Errol Alkan & 2manydjs went back to back on the Saturday night…


…to the roaring approval of the crowd whose Christmases all came at once.



And here are some random shots of Razzamattazz, has one of the best outdoor smoking areas (above) and all these pathways to a myriad of different rooms all housing cool areas with kickin music.




 Yes, that is a leg of ham…


…and probably the best part of the weekend was the Mescal Jam session in the early hours of sunday morning. Mescal and musical talent fused together in perfect spontaneous mayhem as half the line-up, led by Dave & Steph (2manydjs/soulwax), rocked out with a bunch of instruments fuelled by the aforementioned Mexican fire liquid (glowing bottle above)

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All in all in was a pretty damn decent weekend…


#MYLDN (480)

Me and my camera in my home town, my capital city, my london


the festive lag continues hence slapdash punctuality this week…

#MYLDN (479)

Me and my camera in my home town, my capital city, my london


#MYLDN (478)

Me and my camera in my home town, my capital city, my london


Tis the season to get dolled up…Tra la la la la…

Have been watching over last couple of weeks everyone getting their doos done to look their best for their xmas party only to then probably get completely trollied and end up looking their worst. There is probably no other time when people begin so well and end so badly. From glamour to gutter in several hours of misjudged consumption. It would have been great to have a before & after photo but that would mean me stalking these people which would be not only over-zealous in the name of art but almost very definitely illegal. (Paul Weller not permitting)

Photography is a voyeuristic business at best but there is something about taking a picture of someone through glass that makes it even more so. It feels that you have transgressed a barrier, albeit an invisible one. There is also something about having your haircut that looks like an intimate moment even though it is anything but. You are always in plain view, brightly lit and deliberately visible to the world and yet it still feels like more invasive to take a picture somehow. As you can see it hasn’t held me back, if anything, it has possibly encouraged me to pursue these voyeuristic captures. 

Would I want to be photographed having my haircut? No, but that’s because I cut my own hair and it would mean someone had broken in to my home and then photographed me…I mean, who wants that? (yes, I cut my own hair, don’t judge me. I just can’t take the awkward chat & the inevitable disappointment)

#MYLDN (477)

Me and my camera in my home town, my capital city, my london

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