#MYBRLN (003)

Me and my camera in someone else’s town, my city break, my Berlin…



#MYBRLN (002)

Me and my camera in someone else’s town, my city break, my berlin… 


#MYBRLN (001)

Me and my camera in someone else’s town, my city break, my berlin…

MYBRLN 001 by  babycakes romero


Me and my camera in someone else’s town…

Massive Attack Fete De l'Humanite-2

I had the privilege of being given a photographic assignment to document Massive Attack’s headline gig at the Fete De l’Humanite in Paris last weekend.  There were 80,000 people there. It was immense. 

To see the full gallery please click here

#MYLDN (434)

Me and my camera in my home town, my capital city, my london  

babycakes romero

#MYLDN (433)

Me and my camera in my home town, my capital city, my london  

babycakes romero

#MYLDN (432)

Me and my camera in my home town, my capital city, my london  

MYLDN 432-1

#MYLDN (431)

Me and my camera in my home town, my capital city, my london 


Massive Attack On Blackheath. 

#MYLDN (430)

Me and my camera in my home town, my capital city, my london  


Riddle me this…rhinos are being killed off to the point of extinction so their horns can be ground up and sold as aphrodisiacs in the far east…this begs the following bullet points:

 a) Why don’t they just get Viagra? It works and nothing dies 

b) Why do they so desperately need something to get it up? Are their females so unappealing to them? For most hetro males women are the aphrodisiac…

c) If its that’s hard (pun kinda intended) for these men to achieve sexual arousal  they might want to consider they’re possibly shooting in the wrong firing range 

d) Leave the fucking rhinos alone! Its a fucking placebo…just grow a pair and then you might just find you don’t need it… 

Getting a bit vocal this week, not sure why…I used to do a blog called Rant ‘o’ Clock. Looks like it might be that time again…

#MYLDN (429)

Me and my camera in my home town, my capital city, my london 

MYLDN 429-2

Next week Scotland will vote whether they want to stay in the U.K or not. Its probably not a great advert for your country when people want to leave it. If they do, I would imagine they might have to reconsider the name as United Kingdom is going to be nothing short of a massive oxymoron. My proposal is they call it the Un-united Kingdom. I know it looks like someone is saying the old name with a stutter but it would definitely be more appropriate.

While we’re at it we might want to drop the “Great” from Great Britain. Isn’t it time? It also resides in the paradoxical zone these days. Hasn’t it sunk it that we are the only country  that has our name begin with a massive self-congratulatory aren’t we fucking awesome adjective?  Can’t we let it go and be happy just being “Britain”? Maybe then Scotland would want to stay…

You are looking at a picture of Denise Van Outen. I have no idea what she has to do with any of this.

#MYLDN 428

Me and my camera in my home town, my capital city, my london  


Fancy building a Dolly shrine in your home? This could be just the thing for you…just as long as you don’t scare easily.

#MYLDN (427)

Me and my camera in my home town, my capital city, my london 

MYLDN 427-2

#MYLDN (426)

Me and my camera in my home town, my capital city, my london


#MYLDN (425)

Me and my camera in my home town, my capital city, my london  


I started the week with the carnival and am going to end with it as well as had to include this photograph. These two gentlemen are Italian tourists who I spotted waltzing drunk down Portobello Road all kitted up for carnival. Only problem was..they were a whole day early. They either got the date totally wrong or were just too hyped up to wait till the following day to wear their snazzy outfits. They tried to brazen it out and were even giving passersby drunken glances of contempt for not getting into the carnival spirit. I kind of loved them for that. They were probably going to go home and say how shit carnival was…just lots of clothes stalls and people sitting around drinking coffee…

By the way if anyone has ever replied to one of my email posts I have never received as is a donotreply address which comes straight from website (this is not abundantly clear). Anyway, would like to apologise if you feel you were ignored in any way and if you would like to get in touch please email bcr@babycakesromero.com or comment on the site itself. Chars!


#MYLDN (424)

Me and my camera in my home town, my capital city, my london 


This photo has been added to the gallery “dead in the mincers”. Click here to view

He’s giving me a look but to be fair, I’m not the one in the Pith helmet…

#MYLDN (423)

Me and my camera in my home town, my capital city, my london 


#MYLDN 422

Me and my camera in my home town, my capital city, my london  

MYLDN 422-2

#MYLDN 421 – Notting Hill Carnival 2014

Me and my camera in my home town, my capital city, my london    

not hill carnival 14-2

It chucked it down on Carnival Monday this year..it put off hundreds of thousands of people but those who came were the party die-hards who weren’t going to let a bit of rain get in the way of their big weekend. If anything, they seemed to enjoy themselves even more than usual, as you can see…

not hill carnival 14-10

not hill carnival 14-3

not hill carnival 14-5

not hill carnival 14-6

not hill carnival 14-16

not hill carnival 14-13

not hill carnival 14-23

It was a true display of humanity at is best: playful, defiant, jubilant, harmonious and just a little bit wasted…okay, maybe more than just a little bit…

To see the full gallery please click here

P.s Its good to be back…normal service has now resumed…

#MYLDN (420)

Me and my camera in my home town, my capital city, my london   



P.s: This will be my last post for a while as I am going all European again and taking off the month of August so I can mooch about doing jack all…some might call it laziness, I call it living. I hope you all have a rockin summer…see you in September! x



#MYLDN (419)

Me and my camera in my home town, my capital city, my london