Sgt. Rebel says “Its time to stand up and be counted!”

Sgt. Rebel says it’s time to stand up and be counted! The Extinction Rebellion are mobilising on April 15th to shutdown London in order to declare a climate emergency as we desperately need to treat it as one. All other avenues have failed and all that is left is civil disobedience, the only course of action that, historically, has initiated change. The Rebellion have no interest is disruption for disruption’s sake. They just know that peaceful protest alone isn’t be enough. So you might not agree with their methods but everything else has failed to make a difference in any significant way.

And remember, if you are anti-extinction, you are already in the Extinction Rebellion. This organisation is not just one group of people, or a type of person, or a single course of action, this affects the entire human race. And we need now, more than ever,  to join together as a species and accept the reality of our situation and begin our journey towards a sustainable future. It is not too late but the time for ignoring it is well and truly over and the longer we do nothing the worse it gets and will continue to do so until we get our heads out of the sand and demand our governments implement genuine and drastic measures that will  match the severity of the problem and not just pay lip service to it. And sooner we begin the sooner we can start to undo what we have done and prepare our world for the next generations who deserve at least what all previous generations were given, a working planet they could live on.

Love and rage!

Sgt. Rebel

(If you can’t see the youtube vid above please click here: (please share this link or repost via instagram here: link )

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