#MYBRLNites (005)

Me and my camera in someone else’s town, my nights out, my Berlin…   

MYBRLNites 005

Berlin has these great outdoor clubs by the canal and even when the sun has firmly risen the dancing doesn’t stop…the rollover weekend just keeps rolling. Daytime becomes nighttime. Nighttime becomes daytime. Your hours are your own. Your time is without a table. It all makes perfect sense to me.  The only thing that doesn’t is how they deal with Monday morning…fortunately this was one aspect of Berlin life I did not have to experience. 

To see the full Berlinites gallery please click here

#MYBRLNites (004)

Me and my camera in someone else’s town, my nights out, my Berlin…  

MYBRLNites 004b

In Berlin they have rolling weekend parties which are usually in some industrial building in the middle of nowhere. They start on Friday night and finish on Monday morning. You can arrive whenever and  you are never late and you are never early. London is a magnificent city but you are always chasing the clock. In Berlin you can dance without deadlines, party without punctuality…its very liberating.


#MYBRLNites (003)

Me and my camera in someone else’s town, my nights out, my Berlin…  

MYBRLNites 003

We jumped in a taxi to get to a club across town and soon after we took off the driver put on some music, cranked it up and soon we were cruising around listening to some decent grooves. We complimented him on his choice of tunes and he explained that he always tried to pick something that he thought his customers would like. This is the kind of town Berlin is. 


#MYBRLNites (002)

Me and my camera in someone else’s town, my nights out, my Berlin… 

MYBRLNites 002

#MYBRLNites (001)

Me and my camera in someone else’s town, my nights out, my Berlin…

MYBRLNites 001-2

In Berlin the tubes and trains run all through the night all through the weekend. You are never too late to go anywhere and it is never to late to get back – it is a beautiful way to live. There is and has always been much talk of this happening in London. I will not hold my breath but will pray to the gods of the Underground to implement this, preferably in my life time…

#MYBRLN (005)

Me and my camera in someone else’s town, my city break, my Berlin…  


Next week: MYBRLNites! 

#MYBRLN (004)

Me and my camera in someone else’s town, my city break, my Berlin… 


#MYBRLN (002)

Me and my camera in someone else’s town, my city break, my berlin… 


#MYBRLN (001)

Me and my camera in someone else’s town, my city break, my berlin…

MYBRLN 001 by  babycakes romero