Watch out John Lewis, there’s a new kid in town…

Yes, a heartwarming tale of a kid losing his shit cos he didn’t get a copy of ‘MYLDN, a streetview of London Life’ which many, if not everyone, ever, has said could just be the perfect xmas gift™

Buy MYLDN – a streetview of London Life.

50% all of all my proceeds will go towards youth homeless charity Centrepoint. If you want to give directly to them here is link to their website. You can sponsor a room for just £12 a month or 40p a day and you can keep a young person off the streets.

#MYLDN (1338)

What do all the shots have in common this week? They were all taken within minutes of each other. These people are connected in time and location and now also by this series, which I will be continuing over next couple of weeks.

I was inspired by the spectacular photography book ‘A day in the life of London’ which was shown to me by my good friend & fellow photographer Alex Schneideman at Flow Photographic. It was published in the 80s and shows this city captured by hundreds of photographers in a single 24 hour period. It is an incredible piece of work and mind boggling how they achieved it. My slightly less ambitious version that I will present to you is the same city but will instead be just 1 photographer taking shots over a period of 2.4 hours, roughly 35 years later & last Friday to be precise.

And as we are talking about street photography books about London (see what i did there?) I wanted to let you know that if you are still looking to get a copy of my book ‘MYLDN – a streetview of London Life’ you can get from direct at my esty store via this link (and also the ‘BUY BOOK’ button on me website)

I am donating 50% of my royalties to the youth homeless charity Centrepoint so if you get direct from me they will get more. I have featured the dramatic and horrendous increase in homelessness in London over last few years in my book and it is a situation that, once in, is very hard to get out of. What Centrepoint does is help protect young vulnerable people and stop many of them from falling through the cracks and into a life on the streets. You also sponsor a room for a monthly fee of £12.00. (see website)

And while we’re punting books…Alex Schneideman & Hettie Judah’s ‘Art London’ collaboration publication has also been released this week and definitely worth getting hold of a copy if you want a definitive guide to this city’s cultural content providers which also contains some great art of its own via Alex’s photographs. This casual not posed at all verite shot was taken at their launch last night.

Help the Rich Charity Appeal (#helptherich)

Here is a charity film I have just made…

It is Giving Tuesday today so please spare a thought for those more fortunate than yourself and spread the word if you can by sharing on all your usual social sites..its for a very wealthy cause!  #helptherich