#MYCHGO (005)

Me and my camera in someone else’s town, my city break, my chicago…

The Green Mill Jazz Club – used to be a hang out for Al Capone. They still have the trap door behind the bar which leads down to secret tunnels they used to smuggle in booze during the prohibition era – nuff said.

Chicago is spectacular – stunning, buzzing and seriously affable. A big city with small neighbourhood vibes. If you sneezed in the street people said “bless you”..even the cops were friendly! It is full of swingin’ music joints, great art and boasts beautiful beaches. I learnt that it is called the “Windy City”, not because of the weather but because big-mouthed Chicagoans in the 1880s were constantly bragging about the town’s greatness…and you can kinda see why.


#MYCHGO (004)

Me and my camera in someone else’s town, my city break, my chicago…

The architecture in Chicago is stunning and truly inventive, every corner reveals another building more impressive and unusual than the last. Many of the them are glass fronted revealing a “third building” in the reflection; a daliesque manifestation of the original structure. To view a gallery of more of these morphings please click  here

#MYCHGO (002)

Me and my camera in someone else’s town, my city break, my chicago…





Being in another city’s underground transport system is like being in a parallel universe, very similar yet eerily different…I felt strangely at home yet curiously displaced. The buskers were better, it seemed a bit more reliable, it was shitloads cheaper but reassuringly no-one looked you in the eye..its good to know its not just London commuters who will keep their gaze fixed on anything but the people they’re surrounded by. It must be something to do with being underground that brings out the unfriendly in everyone…if the human race has to live beneath the surface cos of some apocalyptic nucleaur holocaust or some hideous pandemic..be prepared for a lot of shoe gazing…