#MYLDN (1655)

People going about their business this week. And from this moment forth that is pretty much all I am going to be showing to you. Why? Because future generations will want to see what we were doing when we should have been all hands on deck fixing the climate crisis. They will be asking..why didn’t they stop it? Why did they ignore it? Why did they carry on as normal when they knew it would spell catastrophe for the rest of humanity to come? It will be as unfathomable to them as it is indeed to me. I am living through this era and I keep asking myself the same question..why?

Why can’t we act on it? Why can’t we take it on board? Why are we so utterly paralysed when we know what is ahead? Why do we continue to shunt it? It’s clearly only going to get worse so why delay? Why not deal with it? We know the window of opportunity is rapidly closing and still we act as if it isn’t happening. But why?

i thought that when the climate deniers were proven 100% wrong we would surge into action. We didn’t

I thought when we started to see extreme weather on a regular basis we would do everything we could to prevent the situation worsening. We didn’t

I thought when we saw that every year was the hottest on record we would realise we had to prioritise the environment above and beyond everything else. We didn’t.

I thought that when they declared a climate emergency they would then act like there was one. They didn’t.

And so I keep just asking why? What’s wrong with them? What’s wrong with us? I have been asking these same questions for years but I never find a good enough answer. We have the information. We have the solutions. We know the consequences if we don’t. And so does everyone in charge. So what the friggin fuck?

The only conclusion I have come to is that we have collective ADHD which prevents us from being able to focus on the matter in hand. Dumbphones and the never ending scroll have reduced our attentions to absolute zero. We just can’t stick with anything long enough to solve it before we just wanna flick onto the next thing. And so when anything comes along which demands our attention (eg global pandemic, WW III) we leap on it cos it means we don’t have to think about climate armageddon for a bit . The other problem is that there is just too much noise. It can’t penetrate through all the other shit . There are just too many other things hovering around our brains to distract us. We are being utterly overfed by the feed and it has rendered us useless. Here is a diagram to illustrate the point.

And it the same on the news. Irreversible climate breakdown is just one of a load of different stories all vying for your attention. Last week I saw two articles sandwiched in amongst everything else. Just a couple of little squares in a sea of squares, and some much larger with titles with infinitely bigger fonts. The two stories were that the Antartica was around 70 degrees hotter than it should be for this time of year (!) and the other was that the Amazon is at the tipping point of transforming from an oxygen producer (the biggest in the world) to an emitter of Carbon dioxide (!!) These are both catastrophic developments that should have dominated the headlines and caused widespread alarm but they barely registered.

And ultimately the problem is all these other things need to be dealt with as well and it’s just one of them. As people and as a society, both domestic and global, we are already up to our ear balls in problems and this particular problem must go to the top of the pile but it never quite gets there. Because it never has a chance to. Something always gets in the way.

Like real life. And as we can all agree, that is hard enough to get through as it is and so it looks like we are gonna wait until things become so catastrophic we won’t have a choice but to deal with it. When it is right up in our faces our survival instinct will finally kick in but by that point we will be well and truly fucked.

We are the lobster in the pot.

I have probably said all this before and it is probably nothing you don’t know. I follow the climate scientist Peter Kalmus on Twitter who has been trying to get the message across, along with the rest of the scientific community for decades and he recently exclaimed in defeat “I just don’t know how else to say this”.

The film ‘Don’t look up’ shows the frustration of the scientists who cannot convince the world of their findings so matter what evidence they put in front of them and the film perfectly captured the insanity of these times as a giant metaphor in the shape of a giant meteor hurtles towards them . It also accurately demonstrates the division in our society driven by the polarisation of opinion and shows that our inability to act is also due to the fact that the days of consensus are over. We need unified collective action which in a post truth world is virtually and depressingly impossible.

The other main problem with ‘telling it like it is’ is that you are accused of being a doom monger. No-one wants to hear bad news. I always think back to hunter gatherer societies and they would be traipsing around looking for food and water and there would be a guy up front leading the way, being all confident like and inspiring hope in the community which, in trun, spurs them onwards even when things are desperate because they believe he knows what he’s doing. And then you got some guy at the back saying..”there’s nothing this way. We’re all going to die”. No-one ever wants to hear from that guy. Not until it’s too late.

And our inability to receive this information and act upon it will ultimately be humanity’s greatest failure.

So now what? What to do in the meantime? We just carry on as normal? I am finding that increasingly difficult these days. I just can’t pretend anymore that our nonsense jobs and our nonsense concerns matter. We fret about the small shit and ignore the colossal catastrophe we are sleep walking towards. I know it’s too much to take on board everyday and we would literally sink if we did but pretending everything is fine when it just isn’t doesn’t make sense anymore. I know we need hope to function but if it blinds us to the reality of the situation and leaves us with an utterly hopeless situation then it’s pretty fucking useless. So what to do?

We certainly can’t look to our leaders to lead us out of this. They need to usher in an entire new way of living but they either can’t or they won’t . Are they short-sighted, dumb as a brush or just plain corrupt? It doesn’t really matter. Based on an entire era of inaction it is pretty clear they are just gonna let the clock run down. That much is clear. But why?

Well, largely because they are essentially dicatated to by the fossil fuel industry who have a sociopathic pursuit of profit. They are diseased by greed and so for decades, to protect their interests, they have blocked any attempt to move to a more sustainable and renewable future. In that time they have acquired so much wealth they used it to ‘buy’ everyone who is actually in power which makes them the defacto rulers of Earth and they are now seemingly too powerful to be overthrown.

And we have, in turn, become too passive, too stupid, too distracted and too selfish to stop them.

And so it looks like despite all of this we are all just going to attempt to maintain business as usual. Even though it isn’t. Even though it spells disaster. Even though it’s utter insanity. And so, in turn, I will carry on and continue to document this blinkered approach to living and post them here so there is evidence of what was actually happening during this period or rather not happening. So from now on when you look at my shots of Londoners doing their thing, please know that all of this is locked away in a bubble of denial hovering around their brains but if you look closely you can see it lingering just on the other side of their eyeballs trying to emerge…

And yes, you guessed it..I am that guy at the back of the group. And yes, no-one probably does want to hear from me…I’ve said me bit..pictures only from this point onwards..

#MYLDN (1528)

Sorry Greta, still not panicking. Actually people are panicking, just not about that. They’re panicking about things that aren’t happening rather than things that are..

Panicking about Bill Gates chipping them with nanobots, not happening.

Panicking about a Satanic Cabal of Paedophiles taking over the world, not happening.

NOT panicking about catastrophic climate change, actually happening.

NOT panicking about the 6th mass extinction on planet Earth, actually happening.

On 13th November 15,000 scientists sent an open letter stating that we desperately need to address the societal collapse that will come from environmental disaster which will definitely happen if we carry on as we are. This slipped through the news net for most as it was drowned amidst a mountain of ‘virus/trump/whatever the outrage of the day was’ headlines but correct me if I am jumping to conclusions but I think they’re trying to tell us something…

( If you want the overview you can read via this article via link here)

We don’t need to panic. We need to pay attention. We need to be able to recognise hysteria from genuine concern. We need to recognise that we are continually and (albeit sub-consciously) wilfully being distracted from the mother of all problems which is looming over our species and all those we haven’t already made extinct..if we do not drastically and immediately alter our trajectory we will be on course to a shitstorm that will make this current one seem like a 2 week holiday in the Seychelles.

Do you want to hear all this right now whilst you are worrying about the virus and how its going to affect your xmas plans? I highly doubt it and sure you have already filed it under ‘things I can’t deal with right now’ but it should be labelled as ‘things we definitely and desperately need to deal with immediately’.

Ok, back to moaning about Covid restrictions…

#MYLDN (1196)

I have featured old people in this week’s posts as they are the only generation alive that will not witness the debilitating effect  climate change will have on this planet’s ability to make life habitable for humans. This is because they will be dead. Lucky them. When death becomes a good option you know you’re in trouble..

Too dramatic? Too depressing? Stay with me. Please. If you are already switching off because you can’t face reading this, please do everything you can to override your brain’s natural preference to turn away from calamitous news – its a defence mechanism which, ironically, will cause our destruction if left unchecked. We simply can’t ignore this anymore. So, just say to your brain..dear brain, (maybe you don’t need to be so formal) Yo brain! (if u iz bit street) don’t switch off! We need to know what’s going on here. Stop looking for dopamine hits and try to pay attention, just for a lil bit then if you’re a good boy I’ll show you a notification..

And so we’re back in the room, back on the doom. Please proceed ahead…

This is no longer about future generations, this will affect everyone alive today who isn’t old. And even if this was to happen to generations beyond the ones already here why don’t we give a shit about the humans on this Earth 100 years, 200 years from now? Are we that self-centric? They are the grandkids of today’s grandkids – why would we not be concerned for them as well?

All the scientific predictions, even the alarmist ones, are falling way short of what we are already witnessing, namely the increased acceleration of the warming of the climate as the domino effects starts to take effect. And still nothing is being done about it. Not in any significant way whatsoever by anyone. Nothing that will remotely prevent what is definitely ahead….

And not wishing to burst your bubble, but recycling your milk cartons and giving up on plastic straws or signing a petition is not going to do it. Doing our bit is no longer enough. Our bit has to be bigger. Much much bigger. So big you couldn’t even call it a bit. You would have to call it a ‘lot’ instead. We need drastic action now and yet there is no sign of it from anyone in power anywhere in the world. So now what?

I went down to one of the Extinction Rebellion road blocks this week to join in and to see the effect it was having. I wanted to know if the public were supporting the cause. After contacting a few mobile numbers I eventually found a very small band of protestors lined up against the oncoming traffic at a major thoroughfare in West Kensington. Were they being cheered on and applauded for their actions? No. They were being met with was utter hostility and anger. From everyone that surrounded them.

Cars and lorries beeped their horns relentlessly at them, passersby shouted abuse at them. Onlookers loathed them for what they were doing and they weren’t even affected by it. And all they were doing was stopping traffic for 7 minutes at a time and being very polite in the process. The police were actually the most cordial to them out of everyone present but they have worked out that what the Rebels want is to be arrested so they are doing anything but that.

I listened to some of the people standing around…

One guy said: “There are much more important issues than this right now”.

Ironically, there aren’t. Not one. This is the only thing that matters now and it seems to be the only thing that no-one is bothering to do anything about. Everything else needs to be shelved until we deal with this. It is not for tomorrow. It is for now. This is urgent. We are rapidly running out of time. If you are focussing on your career, your kids, your digital love or even supporting other causes, it will all be moot if we render large chunks of this planet uninhabitable. Everything we are focusing on right now will be irrelevant.

Another woman said: “they’re just disrespecting people and pissing them off. Its not these drivers fault. They should get the government to sort this out. I know it will take longer but this ain’t the way forward”

Maybe not, but they are only doing this because all other avenues have failed and there are no other options. Marching doesn’t work. Lobbying doesn’t work, petitions, celebrity campaigns, documentaries, decades of corroborated scientific research and yes, even writing about it, doesn’t work. The Rebels think that civil disobedience is all that is left and they might be right, but based on the amount of animosity they received from everyone around them, it’s going to be a seriously uphill struggle to get the people on their side. This movement has received a lot of support and has already succeeded in raising the issue and galvanising action and is making traction through the treacle of public paralysis but you can see how resistant and unwilling a lot of folk are to face up to the realities of this threat and seem to resent anyone who shoves it in their face. (guilty your honour)

The funny thing is we are all technically part of The Extinction Rebellion because we are all against extinction right? Its a given isn’t it so why isn’t it worth fighting for? And we should be supporting anyone who has got off their arse to try and deal with this shitstorm that is looming ever closer? And how can you really be in favour of inaction over action? We need to realise it is down to us and no-one else. There is no knight in shining armour coming to save us, no magic wand that will fix everything. No future bit of carbon capture tech is going to be invented in time that will save us. And interplanetary travel is just fiction folks. We ain’t ever getting off this spinning rock. Sorry.

And leaving it to our government as the woman suggested is not only an utter dead end but they are actively worsening the situation with fracking and the building of a 3rd runway at Heathrow. And just so we are all clear this is what green policies the Tories have abandoned, axed or removed funding for since they have been in power…

support for onshore wind

green home schemes

solar subsidies

green investment bank

incentives to buy green cars

zero carbon homes

green tax targets

tidal power

So why do we think they are going to fix the situation when everything that might potentially help they have ditched, given up on or sold off? I was pretty depressed at the reaction of the public to this protest. It very well might not change anything but this is last chance at the saloon to wake people up to what’s ahead and has been born out of utter desperation following the exhaustion of all other avenues. I’m sure everyone present would be rather doing anything  else than be relentlessly honked and shouted at but were there because we are now entering desperate times which require desperate measures.

The effects of climate change (fires/floods/droughts/desertification/pollution/mass species annihilation), which are already in full swing and already wrecking havoc and destruction are accelerating as domino effects of a warming climate come into play. This is not some apocalyptic sci-fi future we are talking about. This is right now. It is already here. And still we do nothing. What has to happen for us to wake up? How many need to die before we shake ourselves out of our slumber. Will it need to be millions? Billions? How many before we do something?

The only real way out of this mega shitstorm is to have strong governments in every country take the situation as seriously as is required and tell the public what needs to happen. Not dress it up so they don’t upset anyone. Just tell us what we can and cannot do anymore and we’ll just have to accept it. For example…

If they told us we couldn’t have petrol cars anymore, it would suck but we would get over it

If they told us we had to stop flying everywhere, it would suck but we would get over it

If they told us we couldn’t have meat 3 times a day anymore it would suck but surely we would get over it (being a smug 85% indoor vegan I am obvs ok with this one)

If they told us we couldn’t have  avocados in march, it would suck but surely we would get over it

If they told us to give up all our tech, all our comforts, all our toys…it would suck but what the fuck else can we do?

basically everything that makes our lives better and easier and more fun would have to be drastically reduced or given up completely…they would all have to go until we get this shit under control…yes, it would totally fucking suck to high heaven but I’m pretty sure existence of any kind is better than no existence at all. Would you rather be alive and not eating a burger or dead and not eating anything? Hmmmm….

(NB: I don’t actually know if avos need to be imported in march but you get the point, take any fruit or veg, find out when its hard to get and then imagine not having it during that period. Is it really that terrible?)

Whatever we would have to do without we would have to be ok with it, whatever is necessary, because the alternative is  longer an option. The alternative to all this is to wait and watch as we make this environment impossible for us to survive in. It took the earth billions of years to get to this stage where life can exist as it does. Do we want to remove this capability in under 200 years?

Is that what we want on our species tombstone? “Here lies homo sapien. Fucked life forever in a really short space of time…”



#MYLDN (1191)

SPOILER ALERT: Harsh facts and grim forecast only ahead…

Tough talk from the streets this week…feels like they’re trying to rile us up. As if we weren’t riled up enough..we maybe need a bit less rile in our lives or maybe we need more? These are a call to action. To shake us out of our apathy. It  feels we are sleepwalking along the path to doom, incapable or unwilling to deal with anything that the future might hold. We are really on just getting on in the hope that it will all go away. It won’t, and with this total lack of urgency or action…not a chance in hell, which is kinda where we’re heading if we maintain this ‘can’t deal with it’ attitude…

In London this week The “Extinction Rebellion’ , a new eco movement group  are mounting a series of protests trying to pressurise the energy dept of this country to start seriously implementing the policies that are essential to  stop us from heading into climate meltdown. Will they listen? 500 or so protestors are willing to get arrested for their actions. Will they pay attention? Unlikely. But what if it was 5,000? 50,000? 50 million? What if the entire country went down there? Would they do anything then?

Even with mounting public pressure it seems unlikely because they are already fully aware of the facts, they’re not stupid but they are corrupt. This accounts for the lack of any credible initiatives as they are essentially in the pockets of the oil industry and energy firms who, by the way, will never get out of the way whilst they have power and money; two things they have spent the last few decades stockpiling in abundance.

Last week, over in America, a bill designed to initiate the first big wave of environmental policy and bring in serious carbon taxes for all polluters was destroyed by the Fossil Fuel Fucks who pumped millions into lobbying and advertising to sway the minds of those that continue to be bought. We need to find a way to eliminate their stronghold on societies and governments all over the world and The Extinction Rebellion is maybe just what we need right now to shake things up a bit although honestly am not very hopeful.

I don’t wish to sound defeatist to the efficacy of  action as apathy is what has got us to this point in the first place but what we would need to do as a species is a gi-normous gargantuan and immediate unified effort. Every country across the entire globe would have to agree to radically change everything almost overnight and be 100% together in their commitment to removing all the activities that cause emissions. We would need total human harmony across the board. Which is clearly in abundance everywhere. Unfortunately as there doesn’t seem to be a country on the planet whose population can agree on anything right now, especially this one, and what actual chance is there of that? Answer: slim to none.

The only way would be to fire everyone in government and replace them with politicians strong enough to turn down their cash which would mean finding/ growing (accelerated cloning) morally impregnable human beings devoid of self-motive & greed. Once in place they could then ditch fossil fuels entirely. This is obviously utterly in the realms of fantasy and sci-fi and pretty pre-tay unlikely. The saddest thing is renewable energy sources could sustain us, all the know how is there and it would work. We might just have to go back to simpler living for a while, but that might not be such a terrible thing. But those who stand to lose from their implementation will not get out of the way. They would rather everyone lost everything. They would rather render this planet uninhabitable for humans than suffer a profit drop. That’s how fucked up it is.

It was never about saving the planet, it was about saving ourselves and we are doing a really shit job of that currently. I saw this doc on vimeo recently called “earth rise” which was about the photo taken of Earth from the Apollo 8 mission in ’68. They were told to photograph anything of interest on their journey but didn’t realise that the most mind-blowing shot would be of the planet they had just left.

As they looked back they saw it in all its beauty. Watching this film (link) made me realise as I’m sure it did those astronauts that Earth is actually paradise. This is it, its not elsewhere, not after this, paradise is here and now. This floating spinning blue marble is an oasis in a massive sea of nothingness. There is nothing else around for light years and there might not be any other life out there. The fact that life exists here is a miracle. In the film, Gravity, the opening tagline is “In space, life is impossible”. We cannot make life impossible here. It doesn’t matter if we don’t survive as a species as long as  life is able to continue after us. Desertification is increasing at the rate of 130,000 sq kilometres a year which means at this rate we are going to turn this functioning eco system into another Mars. Maybe Mars was once like Earth and something similar happened. We cannot let that happen here.

So what’s left? Keep your head down and your eyes on the screens in your hand and wait for the storm to hit? Umm, yep. That’s about the size of it. One of the main reasons that we are big on talk but lack the ability to engage in action is that we have been spoonfed our existence. We don’t know how to fight for anything anymore. Everything is given to us on a plate so maybe when the shit hits the fan we will return to survival and maybe that is exactly what we need. We currently live in a world ‘beyond survival’ and it has clearly made us all crazy trying to fill the void of not having to fend for our lives. What we have filled it with is really utter nonsense and so spending our days trying to hunt and not get eaten in the process could actually be the best solution for the human race.

I personally won’t be engaging in such activity. I ain’t killing anyone or anything for my dinner. I’m a peace baby. And an 85% indoor vegan. What the fuck do I know about fighting for food? And we’re definitely going to have to breed a generation tougher than the snowflakers…they’re hurt by words so fuck knows what sticks n stones are going to do to them..

So what do we do in the meantime? We could all join the Extinction Rebellion, more productive than watching netflix and at least we’d feel we were doing something…otherwise you have to choose between total denial and abject fear and neither are great options lets be honest…

Apologies (ish) for the negative take on current situation but realism and pessimism seem now sadly to be the same thing. Soz. I have been saying for a while that there was no point wasting a perfectly good present on a perfectly hideous future but the future has come to find us…and by our actions, or inaction. we will get to choose what it looks like.