#MYLDN (734)

Me and my camera in my home town, my capital city, my london


This week’s subjects are all bundled together as Dedicated Followers of Fashion or DFFs for short. (not really trying to make DFF happen but what the hell, let’s throw a hashtag on there and fly my pretty, FLY!) Some bold and unusual choices admittedly but all the DFFs featured (apart from maybe the two selfie stickers above) seem to be wearing what they want to wear regardless of what others might think. They weren’t showboating, they were just being themselves.

I have made many, what might be considered,  ‘flamboyant’ fashion choices in my lifetime and continue to do so whenever the urge takes me. Fortunately I really don’t give a fuck what people think. This is a a positive as it means I don’t have to second guess my own choices, I can just run with them. Fortunately in London, most people don’t give a fuck either. This is also a positive. You can just be you and not worry a lynch mob is going to run you out of town for being ‘different’. This is a genuine bonus and definitely not to be taken for granted. One of the great perks of living in this city. (he says, desperately trying to stay positive about London after last’s weeks moanathon)

We live in a world of conformity, everyone desperately trying to get the approval of others and fit in to what society considers the norm but if we are curbing our own self-expression for perceived judgements from people we don’t even know and will never speak to, that really isn’t doing anyone any good.  Going a little deeper the philosopher Martin Heidegger (extract from “how to sound cultured” by Hodgkinson & Bergh, I shit you not) stated that we we spend most of our time living “inauthentic” lives, worried about the opinions of people who don’t really care for us, and who in any case cannot save us from death – so why are we striving to impress them?   (ok, so this was supposed to be a frothy piece on eccentric fashionistas and I’ve dived straight into the pointlessness of existence driven by the fear of our own mortality, oops)

The truth is, even if people have major issue with your style statements they will never say it to your face so you’re never really going to know for  sure which means you are essentially free to do as you please.  Liberation through blissful ignorance.

So if you’ve got some funky top you’re just dying to wear but didn’t dare? Get it on! Got a wild hat which makes you feel like the biz but you’re worried what your mates will say? Wear that baby! Got a snazzy dress that is like totally ‘out there’? Get that mofo on!! Time to step out of the shadows DFFs! (not to be confused with a cheap sofa retail outlet)

p.s is it time yet for snazzy to make a comeback? come, on, get your asses on social media and #bringsnazzyback !!