Stockholm is a great city. Its beautiful, the people are friendly and courteous, transport is excellent, food is good. Apart from it being at the expensive end can’t really fault it. And you can help but feel as you walk around (and I walked around a lot) that this is a city that is concerned for the welfare of its citizens and want them to have a good life. It feels like they genuinely give a shit about their wellbeing. Sweden has over the last few decades been a poster child for equality and how it drastically reduces most of the problems in societies. It has sadly had a bit of a lurch to the right of late and the market forces that has changed so many other places are now closing in here but hopefully they will be able to keep them at bay and remain a true example of how positive countries can be. They just need care and to have respect for everyone, no matter what they do..oh and they need to tax the shit out of those that can afford it so that everything can be provided for. There is no real other way round it.

Below are a very random collection of observations from my time there with the occasional explanation…

It was just a wee bit colder (-15) there than in U.K but all the more beautiful for it.

This was taken at the Fotografiska  museum (as was wednesday’s post) and it is the best venue dedicated to photography that I have ever been to. Great curation, stunning building, killer view. If you are ever there go. There is one coming to Whitechapel in London soon and I can’t wait to see it.
Museum of Modern Art
From Gilbert AND George’s Fuckosophy
Don’t stare, he’s got a complex about his height as it is…and if you don’t quit gawping I’ll do the same to you..
Tiny people watching normal telly or giant telly with normal sized people?
This seems like a normal scenario but I found this highly disturbing. That man is actually feeding a very realistic but very fake baby. He was engaged in this act for a long time and he looked normal and no-one approached him but it kinda freaked me out.

Happy socks, less happy people