#MYLDN (1365) & a BIG ask…

And now for a big ask…

And now for another big ask: Are there any of you lovely bods out there who have bought my book (and enjoyed it) & might fancy rating & writing a review of it on Amazon? Or on my Etsy store? (if you don’t approve of the house of Beezlebos ). I know its a big ask. Maybe not as big an asking you to rob a bank or bump someone off but still….its just that’s the way it all rolls these days and the more ratings/reviews I get the more I get bumped up the algorithms, the more it features, the more chance it has etc. Ain’t got no ad spend so this is all I got. Actually if loads of you do it, it will probably will start appearing as pop up ads all over your devices, now won’t that be lovely..everyone loves a pop up right?

Jokes aside, I would be eternally grateful if poss. And if you ever have a big ‘ask’ for me I will happily return the favour…altho not really available for heavy lifting, cooking or babies but apart from that I’m yours!

If you are ready and willing please follow this link which will take you thru to Amazon/Etsy listings – thanking you in advance!