MYLDN (1780)

Human connections and disconnections this week.

In isolation we suffer, in closeness we blossom. And the grey area in between when we are technically together but miles apart can be the worst of all.

Out on the street you see function and dysfunction in relationships wherever you go. If you can connect to your fellow humans life can be beautiful, and if you can’t it’s a slog. So it’s always worth trying your hardest because the rewards are great and the alternative is shite.

I do not have much contact with many folk at present because I don’t have the capacity to do so and I can feel the effect it’s having on my wellbeing. Yes, people can be a pain in the arse and some are even toxic and to be avoided but life’s a lot duller without them. Don’t take your nearest and dearest for granted, every connection we have is precious and worth feeding and protecting…

MYLDN (1779)

MYLDN (1778)

MYLDN (1777)

MYLDN (1776)

MYLDN 1774

MYLDN 1769

MYLDN 1768

MYLDN 1767

A few couples today as it’s good ole Valentine’s day. You see a lot of couples these days who dress alike or have somehow synched their looks. Maybe not intentionally but they have sub-consciously mirrored each other, a sure sign of compatibility and contentment. Or maybe they were attracted to one another because they looked alike? A tad narcissistic but whatever floats your boat..I ain’t judging. You have to find love where you can.

I found it and I ain’t ever letting go. My valentine is my lifeline, now and until the end of time..x

MYLDN 1766

MYLDN 1764

MYLDN 1763

MYLDN 1762

MYLDN 1761

MYLDN 1760

Fleeting moments in time in other people’s lives this week. Moments that should have disappeared into the ether had I not been there to capture them. And this photographic evidence that I present before you now exists unbeknownst to the subjects themselves. Photography for me always feels like the dark arts. It achieves something unnatural. It creates permanence to something that should be temporary. These moments shouldn’t have survived but now here they are, before our very eyes. They have achieved Immortality in a world of transience. Is that a good thing? Difficult to say…

MYLDN 1759

MYLDN 1758

MYLDN 1757

MYLDN 1756

MYLDN 1755

Please tell me you can see the face..please tell me it’s not just me…