When I was a kid I wanted nothing more than to travel into the future and with 2020 looming I realise I actually achieved my dream, I just did it the long way round, in real time. The future doesn’t look quite as shiny and as optimistic as we maybe imagined back then but it is definitely here, as am I.
What we do now will dictate what kind of actual future we will have but we must act now… doing nothing will not maintain the status quo. Doing nothing will propel us forwards towards a future none of us want to be in…
Please note: These are 100% real testimonials. The celebs featured have not received any payment whatsoever. Their views are their own. They just really really want you to buy a book because they really really like you and want you to be happy.
What can I say about the Trumpster that hasn’t already been said? Trump off camera was very different to Trump on camera. When he knows he is being filmed he puts on this veneer of being a total dick but when he is just being himself, you can see he is an utter twat.
The Daily Mail yesterday described the attendees of the Anti-trump March on Friday in London as a ‘rag tag band of left wingers’. This was predictably fake news. For a start I don’t actually think you can actually use the term ‘rag tag band’ to correctly describe 100,000 people. Everyone there would agree that there was not just one type of person present. It wasn’t just left wingers, it was representatives of every single different group you can possibly think of from all over the entire world. And if there is one thing you could draw from the event is that it isn’t just one demographic that hates Trump. Its all of them. And not little niche factions of society. Entire continents and genders have been maligned by his rhetoric and his policies. He has literally managed to piss off everyone and they were all there to inform of this fact. Here are a few of the ‘rag tag band’ nominees in no particular order…
Latin Americans
Believers in Human Rights
The Palestinian Movement
The whole Muslim world
All Parents
The entire female gender
Dog lovers (woof)
Workers of the world.
The LGBTQ+ community
The much persecuted Gingers of this world
He even managed to alienate some of his own kind
…and basically most of Britain who clearly don’t like him.
And every group and protester expressed their dislike of the man in different ways. Some went straight up insult.
Is it a coincidence that Trump basically rhymes with ‘Cunt’? Hmm, I’m not so sure…
Some went for the jugular..
And some went for the surreal approach…
Okay..and sorry, how is that going to help?
Am a massive fan of Jarvis but don’t quite see the connection between him and Trump. Anyone?
I don’t get this but sure someone will..
Or this one for that matter…although the person next to me thought it was hysterical so there you go…
Stansted gag..clearly
And my personal favourite…
“Yesterday Trump flew over my allotment and look what happened to my courgettes!” Exactly!
The march was very good natured. A wonderfully positive spirit despite the crowd having joined together in hatred of one man. I have been on a lot of marches before but never against a single individual. It is astounding how much animosity he has generated. Someone had even brought a Trump shaped punch bag that you could take swings at. And many did…
Even Trump himself had a go..clearly hating himself as much as everyone else did
The irony is that this gi-normous crowd had joined together in hatred of a man who stands for hate.
As the quote goes: “There is always a lot of hate at anti-hate rallies” and this was no exception. You need to be able to see the oxymoron present…(Not the moron, he was golfing in Scotland – drum roll put-leeeease!) …even if you hate the haters you are still a hater. Trump has become the ultimate bogeyman, the focal point for all the anger for everything that is wrong with the world. Is he responsible for all of it? No, of course not but he has managed to be so divisive and destructive he has galvanised his opposition. So in some ways, if you ascribe to the butterfly effect, he is so bad that he has actually got people off their arse and sprung them out of their apathy and into action. He has succeeded in bringing energy to movements and ideals that have become complacent so you could actually argue he has become an (inadvertent) positive force in the world.
But this was a mostly positive I do have to commend a lot of the banner makers for maximum effort, humour and inventiveness…
Incredible likeness wouldn’t you say…
Tell it how it is
For some they made it about themselves. Give yourself a pat on the back…
well done. we really appreciate your sacrifice…sure Donald would to.
well done also. Really proud of you.
And good to have the Scandinavians on board…obvs.
This one perplexed me as it seems like she is actually for it, which I’m not sure was the intention…
And just in case anyone was in any doubt what she was referring to, here is the flip side…
Some were very confusing/confused
Umm, he is a lot of things but I’m pretty sure he is a man
I’m pretty sure you get Brexit but there you go…
I can only think the one on the right sounded better in their heads but they might want to look at their faecal obsession..
And I don’t know why but this one just really made me laugh.
And there was only one banner that actually annoyed me and it was The Guardian’s attempt to get in on the action…
Could you say anything less wishy washy if you tried? Why even bother? Love what someone scrawled on it. Think they must be referring to the removal of the process that created the copyrighters who came up with that bullshit slogan.
And so the marchers marched. And songs were sung. And protest was made. Did it help? Who knows? It did succeed in making him feel unwelcome and it made him skip London as a destination on his visit so guess that’s job done. Will our government take note and listen to the voice of these people? We are, as a country, poised between America and Europe and he is trying to force us to decide. Is he really the way we want to go? A man who clearly cares about nothing other than himself, his donors and his own administration? We surely needed to be guided not by trade repercussions but by our moral compass. We need to use it, above all else, to navigate through the next stage in this country’s history and to follow the path that leads to a society for all, regardless.
There are two ways the human race has survived and evolved. Competition and conflict which Mr Trump clearly ascribes to. Or alternatively cooperation. The greatest achievements of our species has come from cooperation, our greatest divisions from competition and our greatest tragedies from conflict. Which sounds like the best way to go in your opinion? Do you want to get on the Love Train or the Hate train? All aboard?
And, finally I will leave you with a cute picture of a dog to keep this piece on the fight against facism light and fluffy. Snookums (name changed to protect her identity) here clearly felt very strongly against Trump’s visit. Although I do think that is slightly disrespectful to pigs and I will be mounting a campaign to ensure this canine does not spread hate and division in the animal world… #pigsagainstdogswhothinkpigsareliketrump