#MYLDN (1120)

Me and my camera in my home town, my capital city, my london

More British Summertime shots this week. Parks, lollies, shades and footie…lots and lots of footie. Went to see the game last night at the flat iron square in southwark. Massive q so didn’t get in, along with several hundred others who all descended on the square opposite to watch it on a screen not really equipped for that amount of people. You couldn’t really see anything and so the crowd got pissed, and then they got bored, then got  rowdy. They started throwing a football into the crowd which got bounced around to massive cheers, then a guy clambered up the pole (pictured) so they started throwing cans at him and then it all broke loose and people started throwing bottles into the crowd. No-one gave a shit who got hit or hurt, they just wanted to tear up the place. It quickly descended into anarchy and mayhem all to the chant of ‘football’s coming home’.

Five minutes later…

It always ends this way. footie + beer + english fans = carnage. There is a riotous element initiated into the temperament of our fans when fuelled by alcohol and nationlism that nearly always gets ugly and violent. This kicked off half way through the match and the entire crowd was quickly dispersed by most of us trying to not get hit by a bottle or steamed by our own fellow fans. The lairy mashed up lads then took to the streets to display behaviour that gives us the global rep for being a nation of louts. Makes you proud…