#MYLDN (857)

Me and my camera in my home town, my capital city, my london


And so i bid you all a merry whatever and a happy new year – a lot of people seem to want to see the back of 2016 but I’m not sure why…ok, so it seems the dark forces have taken over the world, racial hatred, xenophobia, inequality, terrorism…all on the rise, innocent lives no longer protected, violence, genocide and murder rife in various hot spots around the planet…I really don’t see what the problem is. This is just the human race doing what it has always done. Don’t forget this is from the species that brought you the holocaust, slavery and the extermination of most of the other species on the planet bar the ones we want to eat – so what’s the surprise here? What are we so horrified about? Its just business as usual. Look back at our history – its always been like this. You can take the human out of the jungle but you can’t take the violent hirarchical ape out of the human. Its just won’t go away.

Although to counteract my own argument (someone’s got to cos its just depressing and this is supposed to be a goodwill xmas message) it feels like we are making no progress as there is so much hideous shit going on but what we have to remember is that it is only being done by a tiny section of any population. The majority of any population are basically non-violent bods who just want to go about their business. I know it doesn’t seem that way if you watch the news but that’s because the moderate masses aren’t in the news. The news is full of violent extremists, both personal and political, and I include world leaders in that group. Its just this tiny demographic creating all the chaos. The rest of us, the moderate masses, don’t really care where you’re from or what you do as long as you don’t fuck with our shit..or anyone else’s for that matter. This is a positive.

Its just a shame our lives have to be dictated by the minority when most people are basically alright. There is a wave of populist racism on the rise seemingly everywhere which isn’t so great as it whips normal folk up into hate-fuelled hot heads but I read recently that this has always happened throughout history in the first five years after a financial crash and generally subsides after 10 so if we are still feeling the effects of 2008 it will be over by  next year. This is also a positive.  Maybe I’m clinging on to hope that things are going to improve and they will and also we must remind ourselves that for most of us, life isn’t riddled with the misery so intertwined in some people’s lives.

So over the festive season, when your relatives are annoying the tits off you and your presents suck, just celebrate that you are with people who aren’t trying to kill you, suppress you, torture you and destroy your way of life. If none of this is happening to you, and you actually have a home and a family who love you (even dysfunctionally) you are winning.  Most of us live in the good part of the jungle and won’t ever have to encounter anything more horrendous than our ical being on the blink but you don’t have to feel guilty…you just have to feel grateful.

See you in 2017 people…lets mebbe try n make it a wee bit  better than this year’s shit show…and if someone could try and clone bowie that would be lovely…

#MYLDN (837)

Me and my camera in my home town, my capital city, my london


easy does it…

#MYLDN 817

link to video: https://youtu.be/0RojuzNo-Lc

I have just shot the music video above for the track Luxury Kills by Annie Bea feat. da7 which is released this week. The song and this video show the trappings of wealth and the restrictive nature of success . The photographs this week all run along a similar theme and used a desaturation technique  to highlight the intentional separation by the haves from the have nots. They use lavish purchases as  a way to create distance between them & those that can’t afford what they can. They act as if they might get ‘infected’ if they get too close to poverty. Wealth divides. That’s the point of it.

And yet, this process does not achieve them happiness so they spend more and more to satisfy a feeling that can’t be satiated. It is a hole that cannot be filled. A thirst that cannot be quenched. Enough really is never enough.

Expensive tastes often  become a prison as the top end of society can’t be happy unless they have the best of everything. They become dependent on it and can no longer accept average or normal. It just won’t do. Once you have the good stuff you can’t go back. You’re essentially fucked. You will have to forever live within luxurious means or suffer the consequences. Accidentally got an Uber deluxe home the other night and the seats were so friggin comfy you felt like each tiny bit of your body was being supported and my headrest had a massage function and now everything is shit so I am now less content than I was before I ever got into in the first place. And this is what we think will make us happy?

For the video I, erm, “appropriated” images from the RichKidsofInstagram website and it was sad how repetitive and identical everyone’s purchases and posts were. It seems once you get to a point when you have more dosh than you will ever need you blow it on the same cliched symbols of wealth and status: yachts, private jets, helicopters, large quantities of champagne, stupidly expensive watches, designer brands and high end sports cars. And in 3 years of posts (yes, I went through that many) no-one deviates from these 7 basic avenues of expenditure. They are all stuck in the same loop and don’t seem to know how to get out.

They are forced to barricade themselves behind these status symbols, in fear their identities will disappear altogether if they don’t.  They become incarcerated by the displays of their own wealth when the intention was to break free of the confines of normal society but they just end up in another prison. A fancy prison admittedly, but a prison nonetheless. And this is what people aspire to. Doesn’t really look that appealing when you look at it in this context and there is, in many ways, more cause for pity than envy. Remember…Luxury Kills.

Luxury Kills by Annie Bea feat. da7 was released this week. You can buy the 7inch from RoughTrade or download from iTunes.

(p.s) The video was made for £0.00 as a statement against excessive expenditure in creative projects. And there was no money either so we didn’t really have  a choice but that’s just details…

#MYLDN (816)

Me and my camera in my home town, my capital city, my london


MYLDN special: The best banners at the March for Europe

Me and my camera in my home town, my protest rally, my march for europe

march for europe-1 march for europe-2 march for europe-3 march for europe-4 march for europe-5 march for europe-6 march for europe-7 march for europe-8 march for europe-9 march for europe-10


march for europe-12 march for europe-13 march for europe-14 march for europe-15 march for europe-16 march for europe-17 march for europe-18 march for europe-19 march for europe-20 march for europe-26march for europe-21 march for europe-22 march for europe-23

march for europe-25march for europe-24

What do the british do in a crisis? We pun

And so we marched and we cried:

We are the 48 and we are not going to allow hate to dominate

We are the 48 and we do not care where you are from, what you look like, who you are, where you were born or what religion you are or what sexual orientation you are.

We are the 48 and if you live here and you contribute and want to integrate and be a part of our society you are welcome.

We are the 48 and we want to tell you that Britain is ‘Great’ because of all the nationalities that live here, not in spite of them

We are the 48 and we will not accept the legitimacy of a campaign won on fear, lies and xenophobic propaganda

We are the 48 and we will not service the plans of self-serving politicians who gamble with our lives and our country

We are the 48 and you might think us just sore losers but to stand back and do nothing whilst our country and its values go down the toilet would just make us bigger losers

We are the 48 and we want Britain to be part of the solution not the problem

We are the 48 and we know what happens to this continent when we turn on each other and we will not let it happen again

We are the 48 and this is not over.



#MYMRD (05)

Me and my camera in someone else’s town, my EU, my Madrid


This week’s photographs are all from the magnificent city which is Madrid. (to see full gallery click here).

One of the things that appealed about Madrid is it didn’t feel like it had been ravaged by high rents and gentrification. It felt affordable and the centre was still bustling with locals who lived there. It just had a great vibe. Buzzing but relaxed. Such a beautiful combo. There was a headline in London’s Metro newspaper a while back which stated that it was cheaper to live in Madrid and commute to London every day than it was to live there. So within moments of being there I loved it and fantasised about moving there and up until last Friday, that was a possibility. But not anymore.  The snapped subjects featured all seem to have the same accusatory look on their face: what the hell have you done? And I can’t but ask the same question, as indeed are half the population.

When I first heard result there was just one phrase which ran through my head. Country Suicide. It didn’t feel like there has ever been a more self-destructive act by a nation in peace time history. Everyone’s now boshing out their opinions as to what exactly happened, experts, pundits, politicians, you name it, we’re all wracking out brains trying to work out how exactly we catapulted ourselves into this horrendous mess.

You could blame David Cameron for recklessly and arrogantly calling this referendum as a power play within his own party with no concern for the potential repercussions for this country.

You could blame Boris Johnson for recklessly and arrogantly joining the ‘Leave’ campaign as a power play within his own party with no concern for the potential repercussions for this country.

You could blame Nigel Farage for stoking the flames of racial hatred, fuelling people’s irrational fears about immigration and using outright lies to convince people to vote ‘leave’.

You could blame newspapers such as the Mail and the Sun  for stoking the flames of racial hatred fuelling people’s irrational fears about immigration and endorsing outright lies to convince people into voting ‘leave’.

You could blame the Remain campaign for using scaremonger tactics and only presenting negative consequences for leaving Europe rather than present it as a positive force in our lives.

You could blame the inefficacy of the establishment telling people who have nothing that they will be worse off and expect it to have an impact.

You could blame the Elite for suggesting that ‘trickledown economics’ worked when they made sure it was only ever themselves that profited  leading huge sways of the population to use their vote to cry out  ‘fuck you’ in a burst of anti-establishment rage.

You could blame the current Government for presenting the bizarre paradox of offering our nation the right to choose then telling us how to vote.

You could blame the current Government for the confusing proposition of calling something that they didn’t want and then expect a nation, a majority of whom they have squeezed dry with austerity cuts and whose voice they have systematically ignored throughout their time in office to then get behind them.

You could blame the Remainers whose sense of complacency to a general lack of activity in comparison to the Leavers.

You could blame the Leavers who just voted to show their discontent against a vast array of factors without even knowing what they were really voting for. (I spoke to someone who voted Leave “to keep the ‘”Pakis and the Chinese out”. Mate, the clue’s in the title, they’re from Pakistan and China which, for the record, are in Asia not Europe)

You could blame the Leavers who just voted as a protest thinking Remain would definitely win.

You could blame the older generation who voted in an attempt to reclaim the country of their youth, regardless of the fact that it no longer exists and regardless of the fact that it will affect this country for generations to come when they are no longer even here.

You could blame the apathetic youth for not voting (only 38% turnout in 18-24s compared with 80% of over 65s) or taking an active stance in the society they live in which effectively allowed the result to be defined by an older generation.

You could blame the racists of this country who used this referendum to turn on immigrants and blame them for all the ills in our society (obvs never heard that one before)

You could blame the fact that the population of this country were never consulted or explained the reason or consequence of huge influxes of immigration leading to hostility and a sense that their world was being altered against their will.

You could blame Corbyn for not doing enough (he gets blamed for everything else, why not this too?)

You could blame the London bubble for turning their back on the rest of the country who have been ignored and marginalised for decades as capital city prosperity and opportunities were denied to them creating rising resentment and massive inequality.

You could blame all of these people and you would be mostly be right on all counts but but being right is not going to get us out of this mess. Truth is, there are so many factors & players involved to create this perfect shit storm that no-one is really totally to blame and we are all ultimately responsible.

Recriminations will get us absolutely nowhere. We have to now find a solution together. We’re just gonna have to eat shit and deal with it. The tragedy is that  this has caused a  huge divisive gulf to open up between different sections of the population, full of blame & resentment against each other. Whereas an undeniable proportion of ‘outers’ voted driven by a mistrust of foreigners there is now a massive mistrust amongst each other. Which way did you vote? What side are you on? The most fucked up thing is uptil this point we felt relatively together as a nation but it turns out that was clearly an illusion.

The worst thing of all is that, we have galvanised the far right in other European countries to fight for their own independence and to promote racial hatred. What a horrendous thing to be responsible for. Modern Britain, until this result, stood for inclusion and tolerance and a chance at a decent life for all. Refugees, who had risked their life to get out of their war torn countries did not want to stop until they got to Britain because we represented real opportunity to start anew  and not be held back and marginalised just because you are an immigrant. The saddest thing is that now, we will become known as a country that want immigrants out and this is from a country that led the fight against Facism and everything it represented in World War 2. If Facism went on the march again and another world war broke out you now even have to question what side would we be on?

As the quote from The Dark Knight states: You either die a hero or live long enough to become the bad guy

We cannot become the bad guys. Its too twisted.


p.s when am I going to wake up?


MYLDN special – ‘London Stays’ Rally

Me and my camera in my home town, my capital city, my london rally




Throughout the EU referendum campaign Europe was never really presented as something positive. We were only told about the negative impacts of leaving. But in the last 48 hours a spate of racist attacks have happened all over the country and I was at this rally in London tonight and it became clear what Europe stood for. It stands for unity not division. It stands for love not hate. It stands for tolerance not racism. Inclusion not exclusion. It stands for solidarity amongst those who seek to destroy the peace that has been maintained since the last great war. Maybe this is knowledge that comes too late but now at least we know what we are fighting for.

We must not allow racism to become acceptable in this country. We must stop it in its tracks. If you let it in it will take hold of our nation we will see facism rise and racist behaviour become the norm. We cannot stand by and watch this happen. We are now divided as a nation and an ideological war has begun. Those who propagate fear and hatred against those who stand for a united nation for everyone.

Evil happens when good people stand by and do nothing. So if you see or hear any form of racist attack, verbal or physical, you must do everything in your power to stop it. We have to shut them up and shut them down now or suffer the consequences. We must all stand alongside the immigrant populations who live here and make them know they are welcome and that at least 48% of the entire population do not want them to suffer prejudice and we do not want them to go.

We cannot become a haven for the far right to grow. That will only end one way and we cannot let that happen. No-one ever thought it could go back to that and its barely in the history books and its already happening again. The days for political apathy are over. We cannot let our country be hijacked. We cannot become a symbol of intolerance to the world. This cannot be our message. We must let them know that is NOT what we stand for.

I stood out in the rain this evening with everyone else and cries of ‘love not hate’,  ‘EU we love you’ and ‘Fuck you Boris’ made us all feel a little bit better and the horror show shit storm we are now in had a glimmer of light amidst the dark shadowy clouds. This is not over. This is just beginning.

#MYLDN (762)

Me and my camera in my home town, my capital city, my london


#MYLDN (761) – EU Referendum Special

Me and my camera in my home town, my capital city, my london


Here’s my 10 pence worth..(it will take you bout 5 mins to consume but reading this will change your life forever! (my attempt at clickbait featuring wild and provocative claims to hook you in but maybe, just maybe…)

The population of Great Britain will be voting today on the EU referendum. There were a multitude of factors involved in deciding whether we should stay in Europe or not but sadly like most things in modern politics it seems to have boiled largely down to just one thing: immigration and the threat it poses. This fear obviously discounts study after study which shows that EU migrants have had an overwhelmingly positive effect on the British economy and that strained services with waiting lists are much more likely to be a result of austerity budget cuts than an influx of Europeans…but when did facts ever decide political opinion?

A vote to leave feels like the gestural equivalent of Trump’s plan to build a wall to keep  out the Mexicans. The main problem with this approach is that both U.K and U.S populations are already heavily comprised of immigrant populations so if you are saying that you don’t want immigrants coming in to this country you are essentially saying you’d probably rather the ones that are already here weren’t here either. And would the logical conclusion not be that, at some point, if they were successful in their current aims, they would one day want to get rid of the ones that are already reside here too?

Maybe our geographical existence as an island has effectively created a conceptual approach to living which just won’t go away. ( A note to those who think they have any sense of entitlement to this territory: even the Anglo Saxons who are considered the native population weren’t from here – fyi we were all migrants once)

The fact is that the days of isolation are over – we live in a global community, we can’t turn back the clock, the Britain of before no longer exists. And even if we could reclaim that more “purist” society of yesteryear, would a return to it not be a step backwards, a step away from progress? We can’t remove ourselves from this situation in the vain hope that it will improve things for us. How? By sticking our head in the sand and becoming the United Kingdom of Ostriches? Has that ever worked?

We need to all cooperate with each other to solve the problems of the modern world. The refugee situation is not going away and if we think we can just turn our backs on it and hope it improves we are gravely mistaken. It made me utterly ashamed to be British to see that our Mps recently voted against allowing 3,000 refugee children into this country – I mean, how out of whack is our country’s moral compass  that our representatives could ever come to that conclusion? And we think we are the good guys??

And as for a more long term threat, the ravages of climate change which will only intensify will require massive cooperation & unified action to have any hope of dealing with it. Only by seeing that we are all the same and in this together will we find a potential solution. This will, however, require us to move beyond the basic social structures of ‘in groups’ and ‘out groups’ that have dominated humanity since the beginning. We are predisposed to fear ‘the other’ and thousands of years of evolution have only made a bit of  a dent in this overly cautious approach to living.

In these sensitive times this is a hard thing to admit, but we are essentially hardwired to be racist. I learnt this in the book ‘The Organised Mind’ (which I have mentioned before and its full of mind blowing insights about how our brains operate) by neuroscientist Daniel J Levetin and scientifically explains why we feel the way we do about people from other backgrounds. He demonstrates that our brains essentially hold “an innate predisposition toward making trait attributes of out-group members which develop into stereotypes which are very difficult to abandon once established”. In short, we are born to be prejudiced.

He goes on to say we tend to be “innately suspicious of outsiders, where an outsider is anyone different from us” and also tend to prefer members of our own group. This is because there is a neurobiological bias in an area of the brain’s prefrontal cortex where neurons are fired up when we think about ourselves and people who are like us. This brain partitioning activates the perception that “we” are better than “they” even when there is no rational basis for it. We have a stubborn tendency to misjudge outsiders and assume that members of our own in-group are complex individuals whilst overestimating the similarities of out-group members.

Also, we have to bear in mind that the integration of different cultures is a  relatively new phenomena for the human race. Several hundred years ago you might meet 200 people over the course of your entire life and they would have all been from the same ethnic background and mostly from your local neighbourhood. Now you will pass 200  people within 2 minutes of walking down Oxford Street. People were naturally weary of strangers back then and a lot of that of mistrust still lingers.

Levetin goes on to say that ‘racism is a form of “negative social judgement that arises from a combination of belief perseverance, out-group bias and categorisation error”. Basically, we judge an entire culture on the actions of a few. This is driven by our over-zealous brains that always choose avoidance over any potential risk in order to maximise our survival chances. Their efforts must be appreciated as they just want to protect us but  is, in fact, the cause of a lot of the hatred and violence in the world.

The analogy he uses is that if we eat a piece of fruit and we can get sick, the brain assumes incorrectly  that all pieces of this particular fruit are bad and to be avoided. This is how we make generalisations about entire classes of people. He demonstrates this even further with the following argument that suggests we can jump to the following false conclusion about an entire population or race or religion based on individuals acts.

1.0) the media report that Mr A did this

1.1) I don’t like the thing he did

1.2) Mr A is from the country of Awfulania

1.3) Therefore, everyone from Awfulania must do this thing that I don’t like.

This is sadly how our brains work and explains an awful lot in terms of people’s entrenched views . We need to accept these biological dispositions in order to understand our own thoughts and behaviours so we can do something about them. Sorry to get quite so sciencey but when there is so much xenophobic hot headed bullshit being hurled around we are in desperate need of some actual facts, driven not, by fear & false assumptions, but by rational thinking and scientific research. We need to counter balance the nonsense and the hate stoking frenzy being fuelled by the media (one perfect case in example of their blatant divisive nature: the mainstream media chose not to cover a demonstration in London by Muslims against terrorism. See here. This might have helped  but better for them for us to be afraid than informed. Why? Simple. Cos fear sells.

The basic truth is this…there are good and bad people in every society on Earth. No exemptions.  There is not a greater proportion in any one group and in any one country. The violent extreme is always a tiny fractious minority amidst the moderate masses, regardless of the politics,race or religion driving that society.  Can’t we just accept this and move on?

Isn’t it time to bypass this neurological dysfunction and as I have stated before, see the overwhelming similarities between humans and not the skin deep differences? I know we have to overcome some heavy duty brain wiring which has been entrenched for millennia but it is do-able as a lot of us have already evolved beyond this perspective. Even though the rise of the far right in Europe is very apparent but to polarise into our respective racial groups is just one approach and a deeply retrograde and destructive one.

The alternative is to group ourselves not by race or religion but by people who want integration and peace as oppose to people who want conflict and isolation. Its still in-groups and out-groups, it just isn’t driven by the colour of your skin or where you came from or what god you worship.

You have until 10pm tonight to vote…

#MYLDN (760)

Me and my camera in my home town, my capital city, my london


#MYLDN (759)

Me and my camera in my home town, my capital city, my london



(hence the double post today, please forgive me, the short week threw me)

MYLDNites 43-2

This week’s photographs features events I have been to recently..exhibitions, gigs, dance performances..there is still a lot going on at night in London but the utter unaffordability of living in the centre of our city has meant that the nocturnal streets are a far quieter place than they used to be.

On Friday night I walked through Soho to Covent Garden just after 11pm and it was dead. What was once teeming with people into the early hours of the morning is now relatively quiet by 10pm. It seems that everyone has drinks after work then makes their way back home because they now live miles away, pushed further and further out by ever increasing rents and astronomical house prices. But when these people were forced out, purely for financial reasons, they were not replaced. Properties were bought, not to live in, but as investments, and mostly by foreign buyers, so those places are empty. Where human beings once were, ghosts of property portfolios now reside.

Figures released by the Office for National Statistics show that, in the year to June last year, 58,220 people aged 30-39 left the capital – the highest number on record and a 10% increase on 2010. So the 30 somethings have left and the 20 somethings are broke and can’t go out which means central city nightlife is now so much quieter than it used to be. And all the duller for it.

My city has been gutted and I’m gutted about it.

House prices in the capital have risen by 19% in the past year alone. The average property in London now costs  around £535,000, the UK average is £185,700. Rent is also now so expensive it is leaving people with so little to play with they can’t afford to do anything else. The rent situation is now so bad a new hashtag has recently emerged on twitter called #RantYourRent with people demonstrating their appalling living conditions and how much they are paying for them. It is truly despicable what landlords are getting away with and no-one is stopping them. Click here to see examples.

Will the city ever repopulate? Under the current situation, no, its impossible. It would take a strong politician to solve the problem but the solution is simple. Just introduce a rent cap and stop allowing property owners to suck their tenants dry. They have introduced rent caps in other cities in Europe and they have worked completely so why not here where we need it the most?

According to latest figures from the English Housing Survey, London tenants pay 72% of earnings on rent!  3/4 of their entire salary! In other parts of the country and in Europe they might be a third. It would be a joke if it was funny. And even if landlords here charged what was fair they would still be making a killing. So why do we put up with it? I think its because Britain was born out of a feudal society, where the landowners ruled and nothing has really changed. We are the peasants but we’re not revolting..maybe we should be.

There is an election today in London and there is only one real issue worth voting for in this city and its for more affordable living  –  if you do not like what has happened to this city then maybe you should use your vote to fight to get it back…personally I am just so sick of moaning about it and sure you might be sick of hearing about it (although I have deliberately tried to restrain myself over last six months for fear of utter gentrification fatigue) but I can’t pretend its not happening and everything is ok.

I guess I just never wanted to be one of those people banging on about how much better things used to be but that is exactly what I’ve become. This blog was initially designed to celebrate this city, it was not supposed to be a moan fest. People who are now moving into the city will never know how vibrant and varied and inclusive this city was as they would never have seen it but I have and I miss it deeply. The city of culture is now a city of commerce and the knock on effect it has had is huge.

New London is a shadow of its former self , its inhabitants residing in the shadows of endless blocks of luxury flats that no normal person could ever afford to live in. And when I say ‘normal’, I mean all the average earners, who lets face it, are most of us, being able to survive in this glorious city. It was do-able on a basic salary and now it isn’t and the difference is extraordinary.

I know this city is still teeming with millions of people but they’re now having to get bussed in and out. No-one lives in the centre anymore. If you do you are an anomaly these days. So many of my friends have had to leave the centre and be pushed out as far as zone 6 or even have to leave the city to get reasonably priced accommodation. The migration to areas such as Brighton,hove, hastings etc, which I would now refer to as zone 7  is now for some the only financially viable alternative.

I went on the Millennium wheel at night recently and right across the horizon in every direction all you could see was tons of these tiny little red lights. They looked like fireflies hovering in the night sky but they were all cranes, all busy building buildings that were of no use to most folk. Well done, good job!

A mayor who gave a shit about this could maybe make a difference. Don’t waste your vote, it could make a difference.

(p.s this photograph was taken from lea anderson’s performance at the V&A, more of that tomorrow…)

#MYLDN (617)

Me and my camera in my home town, my capital city, my london


I might have possibly mentioned in a previous post that I wasn’t going to bang on about gentrification anymore as there was no more to say, but then there was a riot in Shoreditch at the weekend (article here) and I realised that maybe this thing is just beginning. As they say in the action movies..we have a situation on our hands.

A lot of the media attention and commentary regarding the riot has been about The Cereal Killer Cafe and whether they were a valid target or not. Truth is not really. They are very much a symptom of the problem rather than the cause. However, my theory as to why they were the object of the protester’s rage, is that cereal is what you eat when you are broke and here they are charging a fortune for  a basic bowl so its a big slap in the face to people who might eat it because they can’t afford anything else . And as hipsters are the only minority demographic who you can legitimately despise without accusations of  a hate crime they were kinda fair game. I can’t really see #saveourhipsters trending.

The real problem though, as demonstrated in the photo above is a chronic and desperate lack of affordable housing in the city and its reduction has been systematic and deliberate. Council homes are being depleted at such a vast rate it is being described as inner city social cleansing. Between the right to buy scheme and councils selling off estates to property developers it seems like they won’t stop till London just contains the affluent and nothing else. Who wants poor people around..they’re just depressing right? And they’ll probably steal your shit too so let’s just get rid.

Landlords have doubled rents overnight forcing out the ‘middle’ which currently leaves just  the really rich and the really poor. And they wonder why there is growing unrest. The book the Spirit Level demonstrated with a ton of evidence how inequality is the source of most of societies’ ills and how the disparity in wealth fuels resentment and anger so is it any wonder this is happening? And is there not just more to come?  Will the rich end up barricading themselves in to keep out the remaining riff raff? Maybe we should do the same to them…here is a relevant and amusing film I made a while back to illustrate…

So here are my questions…

Why are London residents, the workers and the lifeblood of the city, not being protected from the blatant greed of people who already have too much?

Why are landlords allowed to increase their rents so dramatically without any concern for the people living there?

Why can’t they put rent caps in place which reflected wages and living costs rather than how much these pariahs can squeeze out of their investment?

Why are property developers allowed to reduce half of London to rubble and re-build luxury flats that no-one except for the extremely wealthy can afford to buy or live in?

Why don’t we do something about it?

Violence is not the answer but this is my message to Londoners and something we can do…we can vote out a bumbling oaf who seems harmless but in reality is doing a lot of evil shit to the detriment of the majority of Londoners  (see here for just one example) in favour of excessively wealthy people just like him. He is an assassin masquerading as a clown. Yes Boris I am talking about you. Why don’t you get on one of your bikes and fuck off!

#MYLDN (616)

Me and my camera in my home town, my capital city, my london


shoreditch: studio flat. open plan. awash with natural light. fully furnished. close proximity to urban art galleries and pedestrian walkways. £750 a month. Professionals only.

I was going to post this picture today as a satirical joke on the ridiculousness of london rent as part of this week’s theme as it was photographed just round corner from the “Cereal killer riots” and then last night I found this story on the bbc website (http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-london-34404651)  of someone going to look at a room to rent in clapham for £500 a month and it turned out to be a mattress in a cupboard. Literally. So this isn’t even a joke.  I’ll probably get enquiries.

#MYLDN (615)

Me and my camera in my home town, my capital city, my london

MYLDN 615-2

said the bed…

#MYLDN (614)

Me and my camera in my home town, my capital city, my london


The boarded up door has spoken…

#MYLDN (613)

Me and my camera in my home town, my capital city, my london


…and very expensive riot inciting cereal.

#MYLDN (597)

Me and my camera back in my home town, my capital city, my london


I can’t help but feel  that this entire situation might be dealt with differently if the migrants who are in Calais were a sea of white faces from a European country instead. Would they have been treated the same? It seems doubtful.

I would also question the use of the word ‘migrant’ and its implications. The term would suggest that they are defined by their transitory nature and that they are of a ‘type’. The only thing they have in common is that they are displaced from their country of origin through events beyond their control.

The dictionary defines migrant as “a person who moves from one place to another in order to find work or better living conditions.”

This sounds like they have a choice. They don’t. If they’d had a choice they would have stayed where they were. Would you leave your home with nothing unless you absolutely had to?  They only move from one place to another because no-one wants them. They are not travelling for fun. They’re not inter-railing around Europe. They are looking for a home.

I think by calling them ‘migrants’ it allows us to think of them as permanently in motion and therefore it is easier to move them on. They can just ‘migrate’ somewhere else. The terminology  allows us to absolve ourselves. But this situation will not go away. It will not ‘migrate’. It will just keep coming back.  It will need to be considered with genuine understanding and compassion to find the correct solution. The ‘crisis’ is our lack of empathy. They are not migrants. They are people.

#MYLDN (596)

Me and my camera back in my home town, my capital city, my london


David Cameron described the migrants as a “swarm”. This is designed intentionally to dehumanise them. So that their plight does not stir our emotions. But they are not one big problem. They are individuals, each one with their own personal story of human misery. They are not faceless multiples to be dealt with en masse. Each one has a different tale that led them to this horrific situation. Only by seeing each and every one of them as unique will we find the humanity that is necessary to deal with this ‘problem’.

And for the record, it is not our problem. It is theirs. They are the ones without a home, without a country, without anything other than what they could carry with them. They are the ones who left behind loved ones. They are the ones that no-one wants. They are the ones with the problem. The crisis is theirs. Not ours.

#MYLDN (595)

Me and my camera back in my home town, my capital city, my london


barrel bomb is an improvised unguided bomb made from a large barrel-shaped metal container that has been filled with high explosives, with possibly shrapneloil or chemicals, and then dropped from a helicopter or airplane. It is estimated that, as of mid-March 2014, between 5,000 to 6,000 barrel bombs have been dropped during the Syrian conflict and 99% of casualities have been civilian.  Barrel bomb attacks throughout Syria have killed more than 20,000 people since the conflict began.

If reading the stats doesn’t affect you imagine they were being dropped on your city at this rate with such a death toll…would you stick around?