#MYLDN (549)

Me and my camera in my home town, my capital city, my london


and so the tory status quo remains which means…

another four years of squeezing everyone but those who have it

another four years of watching the gap between the ‘have loads’ and the ‘have fuck all’ get even wider

another four years of destroying affordable homes & livelihoods to build luxury flats for foreign investment

another four years of blue blood bullshit as they push us towards the inevitable boom & bust so we can again pick up the tab.

whoopee fucking doo


#MYLDN (548)

Me and my camera in my home town, my capital city, my london

MYLDN (548)

And so its election day in the u.k. It’s been really difficult to pay attention to what any of the parties or candidates have actually been saying because its pretty evident they’re just spouting whatever bullshit they think they need to say to get elected. And everyone knows it. Why believe any election statement when they have systematically showed time and time again they will re-neg on everything they promise?

The famous saying that “you can tell a when politician is lying because his lips move” is never truer than during the lead up to a general election.Not that its really about policies anymore anyway…the popularity contest which it now so clearly is feels more like the X factor than the all-important task to decide who governs out country…a place where its apparently more important how you eat a friggin bacon sandwich than what your political party stands for.

So many of us have officially lost faith in the system and our representatives. And with good reason. You only have to watch the “The Thich of It” to know that self-serving careerists run our country under the guise of serving the population. (Yes, I know its only a tv comedy but its so obviously is like that ). If anything positive happens for the electorate it is most likely to be an accident. They just implement whatever nonsense they see fit as they scrabble around trying to cling on to what power they have whilst servicing the rich donors that put them there. I would go as far to say all politicians are on an ‘anal retainer’ and will receive rewards based on how much they are prepared to take it up the arse from their ‘real’ bosses.

The most positive thing I have heard recently is from a good friend who works in government who assures me on very good authority it is in fact the civil service who run the country, not the politicians. They quietly get on with things as the hoopla happens above them. The drivers might change but the cogs of the machine stay the same so it doesn’t really matter who you vote for.

Although, having said that, it is fairly evident there is a “lesser of evil” choice and in these days of necessary tactical voting we must ensure that the interests of the 99% are even vaguely taken into account.

Cynical? Disillusioned? Defeatist? Yup, yup and yups. Guilty as charged. Maybe Russell Brand will come to our rescue…although I have seen his version of “Arthur” so his decision making process must be questioned…

#MYLDN (547)

Me and my camera in my home town, my capital city, my london


“Ed Milliband is like a plastic bag stuck up a tree, no-one knows how he got up there and no-one can be bothered to get him down” (bill bailey)

#MYLDN (468)

Me and my camera in my home town, my capital city, my london


Ok, so looks like its protest week…we live in the age of the online petition and it seems that everyone is campaiging for something evil to be stopped. It feels that we have all become activists fighting for what we believe in. And yet there are studies to show that people actually do less in real terms as they feel they have ‘done their bit’ by typing their name and pressing send, never to think of it again. The rise of the internet meant that everyone got a voice but is any of it actually making a difference? Can our cries be heard?  When world leaders seem hellbent on ignoring everyone bar those whose pockets they lie in, what is the point?

I was interviewed last week for a U.S website and asked what the best thing about my death of conversation gallery being seen across the globe (yeah, yeah, stop going on about it) and I said that it had given me hope. It showed me that if you can package an idea in a way that truly connects with people you can spread it around the world in the blink of an eye. It made me feel, when so often you feel powerless, that change is possible.

I released my Help The Rich Charity Appeal film this week for the makers of the Spirit Level aimed to highlight the massive wealth inbalance in the world  and am really hoping that it also will go viral but its tough to make an impact as you are always fighting pets doing humaney things, Star Wars and Kardashian’s arse. Another website who featured my pictures  on their site had, as one of their top posts, footage a baby who was afraid of its own farts. While Ferguson burned this is what people were looking at. Is this really what we’ve become?

Yet whether it is a twerking dog (havent seen but there has to be one) or a charity appeal we are relentlessly inundated. One of the reasons the #helptherich film was a parody of charity ads, is that the worthy causes pile in as much as the unworthy ones and you start to wither in over-saturation (and yes, am aware I am part of that deluge). Maybe there is just too much incoming traffic and its too overwhelming to process correctly regardless of the value of its content.

Even if you do break through the endless sea of trivial nonsense and people actually watch what you are peddling, how long does it resonate? What action will follow? I read an article on the success of the Occupy movement and they judged its impact solely on google searches and hashtags but what did that have to do with genuine activity? Those people were at home with cups of tea, not fighting on the streets.

We did the march against the closure of Madame Jojos on Saturday (MYLDN 465) and we went there knowing it was utterly pointless but to do nothing at all would have been so much worse. Apathy and resignation are never the answers and we must continue to fight for fairness even in its absence. I will now descend from my soap box and let you go about your day…assuming you haven’t already moved on to something else…google search…twerking dog…13,700,000 results



Help the Rich Charity Appeal (#helptherich)

Here is a charity film I have just made…

It is Giving Tuesday today so please spare a thought for those more fortunate than yourself and spread the word if you can by sharing on all your usual social sites..its for a very wealthy cause!

http://youtu.be/2tXLBr514zw  #helptherich

#MYLDN (317)

Me and my camera in my home town, my capital city, my london

A Ukranian protest in front of the St Volodymyr statue in Holland Park. Above we have youth: defiant, innocent and optimistic. Stood back from the crowd were what looked like their grown-up counterparts: hardened, embittered and frustrated by the political process.

Naturally this is my interpretation. A Photograph is merely a suggestion. It is incomplete, an unfinished sentence, a question mark waiting to be answered. They could have easily been their fathers, standing their, quietly proud of their sons who were becoming men. Most likely they were just pissed off some twat was sticking a camera in their face.

#MYLDN (159) – Save the Bees!














There was an organised protest at Parliament Square this morning to help convince the government (crucial vote next week) to ban the pesticides that are dwindling bee numbers in scary proportions. This will in turn will have a catastrophic knock-on effect on everything else. As Einstein said.”If the Bees go, we’re all fucked” (or something like that). This is not an altruistic endeavour..this is pure self-preservation.

Like all good protests, there was as many people documenting it as participating. It was more like one big glorified photo shoot than an actual protest and as the passersby just sort of passed by  it occured to me that the coverage of the event  was in real terms more important than the event itself. The protestors had gathered to be photographed, uploaded, blogged out, tweeeted and shared in order to raise awareness on a global level rather than at street level.

Did it matter that no-one surrounding them paid attention? Not really. They did a bit of singing (Give bees a chance) and even pretended to march for a bit but it was all really for the cameras. 

The digital world has finally become more important than the real world. Reality is dead. Long live the Internet!

And yes, just like everyone else, I was doing as much documenting as protesting…

lots of bad bee pun placards but below was my favourite by far…such a brutal apocalyptic message delivered by such a smiley faced bee..

bee-lieve it (sorry-couldn’t resist one more) or not she was actually playing the flight of the bumblebee..I kid you not.

There was a generally friendly and good natured vibe to the proceedings and despite the machinations of the media circus the seriousness of the protest was also plain to see…

As I was leaving I saw this guy and he stared straight back at me with a grave “The End is Nigh” kinda look…it gave me the shivers.  I should add that its highly possible he was just eye-balling me cos I was pointing a camera in his face. Less poetic but worth mentioning…

(p.s if you want to bee selfish (sorry, had to throw one more in) and save our sorry hides, add your signature to the petition to vote for a ban on the pesticides here. Lets hope those weak, self-serving politicians (too harsh?) make the right decision..for all our sakes, not just the bees.)

Reflections of a Technicality – Legal Weed World

I have just come back from California where you can walk in off the street straight into a Kush Doctor’s clinic and as long as you are a Californian resident and can site pretty much any medical condition going they will give you a medical marijuana card  for $40. With this card it is state legal to buy, grow and consume marijuana for medicinal purposes, supposedly in order to help alleviate the physical symptoms of said condition.

So if you have pain it is ok to consume, but if you don’t it isn’t. I had to question why suffering was necessary to make it acceptable? Why was an unpleasant physical sensation the difference in making something illegal or not? The effects of the drug are the same as they always were, its just now they’re “tolerated” as side effects to pain relief rather than the main attraction. Allegedly.

The marijuana dispensaries have such innocuous names such as “The California Herbal Relief Center Compassionate Care” and you must always refer to it as medication. But it’s not really medicine, but then neither are any of the prescribed pain killers on the market. A pain killer never cured anyone. They just mask the effects of your condition which remains the same.

How many people use pain relief as a socially acceptable justification for drug consumption (whether it be prescribed pain killers or dispensed marijuana) when in fact it is actually the effect of the drug they are chasing rather than its ability to remove a physical discomfort they already have? In these health obsessed times, pain and suffering have become the only legitimate ticket to indulgence. Even back in Victorian times when you could legally buy heroin and cocaine in Harrods it was still being sold as medication for coughs and colds.

Why is it not acceptable within our society to want the effects just for themselves? Why is that such a terrible thing? For example, which aspect of recreational marijuana use is so offensive its illegality is supported by most of society? Which bit didn’t they approve of? The laughing? The tangential conversations? The unnecessary eating of snacks?  Exactly what part of the experience was causing it be viewed as a crime and something that must be stopped?

There are many arguments for and against changing the law on drugs, most of which have been voiced at length from both sides and most of which I won’t go into here for that reason.

The most repeated argument for banning the use of cannabis is that it leads to harder more damaging drugs. For the tiny percentage that do go on to use all-consuming drugs such as heroin and crack illegality is rarely an issue. Those that have a need for oblivion will simply seek out the most potent, effective and available means to get there. The stepping stone(d) is irrelevant.

People also generally choose their poison/potion according to their effect and accessibility rather than their legal status. If you include all dependants of prescription and recreational drugs, alcohol and even junk food, there aren’t that many adults on Earth who aren’t indulging in at least one of them.

But it actually doesn’t matter what people are consuming (illegal or otherwise) because they are all essentially just different routes to the same drug, and that is the one generated inside your body.

All intoxicants serve as no more than to act as catalysts to initiate the deployment of the reward chemical Dopamine into the nervous system.  This is, in reality, what everyone is really addicted to and we all just have different methods/substances in order to access it. So does it really matter how you get there?

And is there really any point banning some drugs and not others when they all ultimately send you to the same place?  They can’t make dopamine illegal so why block some routes to it when others are always available?

This is why the war on drugs has failed.

Billions spent. Millions incarcerated. Thousands dead. It has all been for nothing. The situation has not changed nor ever will. No matter what they do, it will always exist. People will spend their whole lives searching for a dopamine boost because it is fairly evident we all have a need otherwise we wouldn’t have to seek it out.

We are all Dopamine chasers in some form or another…so what’s the point of suppressing or denying it? Why pretend it will go away when it won’t?

And as the war on drugs has been constantly proven over the last few decades to be utterly futile, why not simply accept failure and try something else? Why indulge a policy that clearly doesn’t, nor will ever work? How many more countless lives have to be ruined and destroyed slavishly following a course of action that has been defined by its inability to have any effect whatsoever other than to make things worse?

Since California has introduced this halfway house legal loophole, drug consumption has not increased and society has not broken down. In contrast their judicial policy over the last decade to incarcerate every druggie they can find, has led to a systematic breakdown of the prison system and brought the state to virtual bankruptcy. Has this hardline approach improved the situation even marginally? No. It has just criminalised people who should never have entered into the prison system in the first place.

Portugal decriminalised all drugs over a decade ago  believing it is better to treat than punish. They do not see drug users as criminals to be demonised and incarcerated, and think recreational drug users should be left alone or if they have an addiction should be offered help. It was argued before the implementation of decriminalisation that Portugal would become a drug destination for tourists and drug use would explode among youth. It didn’t. In fact, drug use among adolescents decreased and it has not become the “Club Meth” of Europe. Life strangely carried on just as it did before.

Some of man’s greatest follies have been caused by an inability to deviate from a course of action regardless of its efficacy….

…its time to move forward.



The Occupy movement is taking place all over the world. Whether you agree with it or not, it is a global phenomena that shows no sign of abatting. Temporary dissent or the beginnings of a pan-continental revolt..its difficult to call. People from different backgrounds, cultures and countries have been galvanised into action because they don’t want empty campaign bullshit politician slogan “Change”…they want ACTUAL change.

The empty UBS in the City has been occupied as part of this movement and re-named the ‘Bank of Ideas’, with lectures, art spaces, and protest workshops now going on in a building that has sat empty for seven years.

To celebtrate their activities and bolster morale they threw their version of a bank xmas party. And 3d from Massive Attack and Thom Yorke from Radiohead turned up to show their support for the protestors and together played a killer set..which was nice.

Like all events of the modern era it was heavily documented…you could barely move without staring down the barrel of an SLR (mine included!)

At first it seemed excessive, especially given the intimate nature of the proceedings but digital documentation is in fact an integral part of this modern movement. The desire and ability to instantaneously show (albeit virtually) to potentially billions what is only being experienced  by a small group is fundamental to this cause.

Technology has given local protests global coverage and the scope to spread their experiences and ideas which will in turn inspires others to do the same. Megabite momentum has enabled the masses to mobilize in a way inconceivable before these Internet led times.

This is the very reason it is  happening simultaneously across the planet in so many seemingly unconnected places but what’s really connecting people is not technology but shared grievance and the worse things get the more the masses will bond and bind.

But despite its world changing desires and media minded intentions, it was at the end of the day just a kickin party and a perfect moment in time for those present..


Where’s it all heading? Who the fuck knows? As Jim Morrison once so eloquently put it….

“I don’t know what’s going to happen man, but I wanna get my kicks before the whole shithouse goes up in flames”
