MY NEON NOIR NIGHTS – Print series (#MNNN2)

Clubbin’ innit

This gallery in the MNNN print series is dedicated to the joys of clubbing which is currently and sadly very absent from our lives. Will we ever feel the intensity of a packed dancefloor again? Swirling together amidst the lights, squeezed into a sweat box, hugging your mates like your life depended on it, punching the air as you go apeshit to your favourite track…is there anything quite like it? Well, if its removal from our lives has proved one thing, no, there isn’t and we desperately need it back. In the meantime we can gaze at a dance dominated life that once was and will be again.

This print series consists of 10 galleries, 10 prints in each gallery, 10 copies of each print = 100 shots at £100 a pop  for each limited edition A3 print (420x297mm approx) which is not only 50% off the normal price but also £30 of each sale will go to who are sourcing food that would go to waste and delivering it to those who desperately need it – each 30 quid will generate a whopping 183 meals. So you get a print, 183 people get fed and I make a sale, that’s a win,win,win in my books. Or you could just make a donation…

To order a print or for any more info please email or DM me on Insta.

(offer ends 15th Dec so there is time to get it to you b4 Xmas)

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