All the photographs this week were taken on George Street in Hastings. Its a very picturesque pedestrian street full of bars, cafes and quaint little shops. It is also one of the main thoroughfares of Old Town and so you get an amazing array of characters strolling down there, both locals and tourists. It actually reminded me a lot of Portobello Rd so felt like a home from home and spent a lot of time there watching people go by and capturing the ones you see before you.

Sometimes you don’t realise what a gem of a photo you have until you review it later. It was only after seeing this shot that I spotted the Mr Happy Mug sitting right in front of Mr Grumpy. That is ironic synchronicity at its best. As a photographer you can’t ask for more than that. Although it’s probably me taking his picture who is actually souring his mood…soz mate.

It does seem that almost everyone in Hastings has a dog. Babies are also quite popular, although not everyone seems entirely happy to have them.

The thing about people watching is you believe through observation you can work out what they are thinking but rather than an insight into the minds of others it is much more like holding up a mirror to your own. Let’s all take a moment to reflect on how deep that was…

Like take this dude, he absolutely looks like he’s up to no good. Is that for real or judgemental assumption? Did I just catch him at a bad moment? And is it my imagination that the old guy is getting a grilling from his wife, the latest in a long long line of domestic beration?

I think what I really love about observing and also documenting my fellow man, woman, child and occasional dog is that as I fully immerse my mind in their perceived life it is a holiday from myself. When I dwell on them I am not dwelling on my own life. And let’s be honest we’ve all done that more than enough so I think it’s actually vital to have these welcome breaks from insular thinking by focussing on the internal workings of others. And whether projected or not, it’s still breaks the endless rumination. And that can only be a good thing. Not for them obvs. It’s tantamount to slander but hey ho…

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