#MYIBZA 10 (B.C)

Can you even imagine being crammed in a room with this many people all dancing to the same groove? Currently I would have to say no. It already seems so alien, so impossible. This is another time, or even another time line. It feels like it an alternate reality because this version of reality will not accomodate it. But if not now, then when? How long will it be before mass music based gatherings can resume? How long will it be before fun comes back? It feels like it has been sucked out of our existence, replaced with restrictions and recriminations…and a shit load of tension. And the longer this goes on, the more it seems like it won’t return, or not in the same way at any rate. And maybe by the time that it does we won’t be the same…

The shots this week were taken on one night during the closing parties at the club Hi (formerly Spaced) and tbh I didn’t really enjoy it at all. For me, it personified everything that is wrong with the big clubs in Ibiza these days. The music sucked and the crowd were a bit argy bargy. All shoving, no hugging. All elbows, no smiles. All in all it was pretty lame (altho think I had a slightly better time than the gents below) and yet, all said and done, I would probably give my eye teeth to be back there right now. In the absence of any dancing whatsoever I am finding myself pining for even the most average of nights out.

I first went to Ibiza 10 years ago back in 2010 and one night I was there I was introduced to the guy who owned DC10 and I told him how great it was being on the island for the first time and he turned me and said very matter of factly “you’re five years too late”. I really can’t even imagine what he is saying today. Actually, I guess he is now just saying to people “you’re too late”.

I hope to fuck by the time this all blows away/over/up that it won’t be too late and dance culture will live and breathe again..as I need dancing like I need breathing. I feel like I just can’t exist without it. And I am not alone. The U.K government clearly does not see the dance industry and all of its players as a priority but for us who lived inside it, it is of paramount importance. It is the good bit. The bit we live for. The bit we need. The bit that makes all the other shit tolerable.

p.s I might post up some more Ibiza shots next week as well as am enjoying being in another place and space to here and now. As lockdown looms it feels like virtual travel is back on the menu…

2 Replies to “#MYIBZA 10 (B.C)”

  1. ah, your most welcome! Ibiza’s glory days might be behind it but still well worth a visit – not everywhere would be your cup of tea but there are still lots of cool place and after all, its an island devoted to dancing..now isn’t that something worth celebrating..and preserving! xx

  2. Thank you for the pictures and words – I’ve not done Ibiza club scene but it’s really vital to remember what was possible xxx

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