Last lockdown I showed you what I could see out of my window but right now there isn’t a whole lotta happening out there as we’re still deep in mid winter. So instead, as my world has basically been shrinky dinked to the walls I am currently surrounded by, I am showing you inside my home…for the first time! Dum, dum, daaaaaa!

My home location was once just a part of my life but now, as it for all of us, it has become my entire existence. Lockdown has made reclusive cave dwellers of us all, regardless of whether we were before or not. Our dwellings have effectively become comfy prisons as we wait for this wave of the virus to subside. It sucks but it has to be this way if we want to have any chance of coming out on the other side of this thing.

And even though being in every single night is drastically different to my B.C life, I have had to settle into this reduxed version of living. Acceptance will save the day & all that. And mainly because the alternative is the path to which madness lies. You must accept what you can’t control for any degree of sanity or happiness and right now this is way beyond all of us. The entire human race is in a hole and so we must be patient and wait till we are able to get out. This is the way as Mando would say.

After such an elongated period of restricted living it does feel it is changing us & the world around us in ways that we cannot begin to quantify until it’s really over. And who knows when that will be? The longer this goes on the more surreal it becomes. And also the more normal it feels which is slightly worrying. We’ll all ultimately end up as anti-social agoraphobic anxiety ridden germ freaks…that’s possibly already happened…if so, we will need to unlearn what we have learnt.

Our previous lives now seem like a fanciful dream. I am currently working on some prototype photography books (which I will hopefully share with you soon) and they all focus on dance & music events with masses of people all over each other and it looks like an impossible world, a world we no longer inhabit.

One thing I have noticed as I stare at all these people rocking out to the music they love is how carefree everyone looks. They don’t look like they have a trouble in the world. They have a lightness about them. When I look at people at the moment, they look heavy, burdened by the weight of it all. It makes me realise we didn’t really have anything to worry about back then…even though we were convinced we did.

p.s yes I do have quite a few toys.

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