#MYLDN (1279)

Dedicated followers of fashion this week. We all have our own little ‘look’ going. It’s hard to say why we gravitate towards certain styles and outfits and maybe even harder for other people to understand. Are we dressing for ourselves or are we dressing to impress? It’s difficult to say. I think our clothing choices are like our music tastes, they are impossible to explain. We’re just into them and we don’t know why. Our fashion is naturally a series of conscious decisions that might relate to how we wish to be perceived but they are driven by an unconscious attraction towards certain looks.

One of the things I love about London is you can where literally anything and people will barely give you a second glance. You can really ‘go to town’ and not be inhibited because someone is going to have a problem with it. I think sometimes that this city is made up of people who wanted to be able to be themselves whilst not having to concern themselves with other people’s concerns. And so I applaud the individually orientated dresser. Wear what the fuck you want. If its a problem, make it someone else’s problem…



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