#MYLDN (1392)

This week’s shots feature graffiti and street art plastered across the walls of this city highlighting the importance of the climate crisis in this upcoming election in the U.K. The environment should be at the forefront of the political debate, which it appears to be for every party but the Tories. The following passage is from Naomi Klein’s book on the environment ‘This Changes Everything’ which I am reading at the mo and it explains exactly why Boris did not attend the climate debate on Channel 4.

“it has become increasingly difficult to discern where the oil and gas industry ends and the British government begins…At least 50 employees of companies including EDF energy, npower and Centrica have been placed within government to work on energy issues in the past four years..the staff are provided free of charge..”

Clearly no conflict of interest there. No, not at all, not one jot. So we basically live in an ‘Oiltocracy’. Like Trump, Boris is just a fossil fuel flunky (F.F.F) He works for them. A vote for the Tories is a vote to ensure ‘business as usual’ for the oil n gas industries so they carry on as they have been, which is to relentlessly plunder our ecosystem for shareholder profit with zero concern for the collateral damage to humans and all other species.

And not only will no-one currently in power get in their way but they are actively supporting them, pumping billions in subsidies, paid for with your tax money, which will allow the continuation of planetary devastation. Their actions, if not stopped, will ultimately destroy our ability to live on our spinning spherical host. Doesn’t feel like a good move from what I can see. ..

The next five years might just be the most crucial time ever for the human race in the entire history of our species as it will determine what path we take, which, for survival, requires putting ourselves on an entirely different path, because this one has revealed itself to be a dead end. The need to radically change our way of life and to confront head on the effects of climate change will require us to have strong forward thinking leaders that will take us in a new direction. Boris has none of these attributes.

Like Trump & Bolsanaro, Boris is not strong, despite him trying to play the ‘churchill’ card. These FFF’ are weak spineless men because, despite knowing (they’re cunts not idiots) of the consequences they continue to cower to their masters and help them to destroy the resources of this planet which are vital for life to continue. They are not the future, they are the past. They are the weights of yesterday that will drag us down into the depths from which we will not be able to return.

If Boris can’t even be arsed to turn up to a friggin tv studio to discuss it what do you think he’s actually going to do for the environment? Sweet FFF..A! So vote Tory, vote for humanity’s death warrant. That might sound overly dramatic but contrary to the utter inaction of this current government this actually is a fucking emergency. And saying it is one, isn’t actually part of the solution.

If they aren’t going to act like ‘our house is on fire’ we need to. And that means getting rid of them. We need to get these blocks in the road out of the way for good so we do not consign ourselves to a footnote in history. Many species have been and gone since this Earth formed but none have been dumb enough to wipe themselves out. And we’re supposed to be the most evolved so far. Not really looking that way right now because we are destroying the host that keeps us alive and as I have previously stated, even bacteria know to keep their host alive which means, right now, we are dumber than bacteria…

I feel like I have said these things many times but now as we get ready to choose our elected representatives it is a chance to remove those dragging us towards the precipice and enlist those who want to initiate a greener future, which means having one.


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