#MYLDN (1611)

Pairs of tings this week. Why? Well to be honest I had planned to give you a random selection as still easing myself in but a pattern developed. Were they sub-consciously selected as a message to myself? I began to wonder. And then I wondered some more. And it dawned on me that every body needs some buddy. And it don’t matter if they’re your partner, parent, pal or pet..we are mammals and we were not built to exist in isolation.

Your successes in life will not be your career or the wealth you have accumulated or the car you drive, it will be the people you’ve chosen to have in your life. They will make you happy, they will get you through the storm, a convertible won’t. (which would actually be really shit in a storm). I guess this has dawned me as I have just been through a rather large storm (metaphorical rather than meteorological) and could not have navigated myself through it alone.

And if you are wondering why most of the shots this week are not of pairs of people it’s because I am still running a little slow and they’re just too fast for me to capture at present unless they are relatively still. Inanimate object’s inability to move make them ideal candidates for a sluggish photographer. Actually slugs I could handle…

3 Replies to “#MYLDN (1611)”

  1. Brilliant work! Wishing you back to better health soon. Love xx

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