#MYLDN (1669)

Last of the mask wearers this week…it is becoming more and more unusual to see people with masks on in this country. For most the pandemic is well and truly over yet for a minority it is still a concern who are still trying to protect themselves from the invisible enemy.

It was always invisible to the human eye which is which is one of the reasons it was so difficult for a lot of people to get their heads around but now that they have stopped releasing daily covid numbers it really is a case of out of sight out of mind.

We were never big on mask wearing in this country. Our gov was slow to recommend it and then when they did it never really cemented itself in the actions of the public like it did elsewhere. In fact, when people visit England over the last year or so from other countries they were shocked how little mask wearing was happening here. For some reason in the U.K it was a cultural a no no but I’m not exactly sure why.

We are normally very law-abiding in this country. Look at how we queue. And yet this face covering request was rallied against from day one by a giant chunk of the population. It brought out the rebel in everyone. And now you are not legally required to wear them anymore it has been dropped by virtually everyone. I am still wearing masks in shops and on transport and you now get looked at like you are the weirdo but I have been ill for 2 years so am still doing everything I can not to get it again, as are a lot of vulnerable people or those who are shielding for others. For us this situation has not gone away and won’t for a while longer. Maybe a lot longer…

But to be masked up is not the end of the world. It still makes me feel like a cool bandit/superhero/ninja warrior. And there are also many worse things you have to do in this life. Yes they’re a pain in the arse a lot of the time but they’re not trauma inducing. I just wish to fuck I could just once wear a mask with glasses and not have them steam up. I do not know how people do it. It’s like the dark arts or somit. You need to sell your soul to Satan to make that shit work I swear…

p.s if international readers are wondering why I’m doing a wrap up on a Wednesday it’s because it’s the Queen’s Jubiliee weekend and we’re getting a 4 day weekend starting tomorrow…whoop di whoop.

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