MYLDN 1740

The winter sun, nature’s spotlight, piercing through the shadows. A beacon of hope through the darkness which seems to be closing in, surrounding us, enveloping us…right now with everything that is going on (cost of living/energy crisis/climate meltdown/war/recession – fun times eh?) it feels like the shadows are fast on our heels, getting harder and harder to outrun. It is consequently difficult to relax and stay positive when you feel you could get engulfed at any moment.

On top of everything mentioned above I have personally been through the valley of darkness this last year. Even though I’m doing better I spend my life walking along the edge of the abyss knowing that one wrong step will put me back in the hole. It’s no picnic and it would be so easy to just see everything as shit but that only buries you deeper in it.

Long covid has robbed me of 3 careers, a social life and the ability to be me. It has taken such a lot and yet I still have so much to be grateful for and am still able to find moments of joy on a regular basis. At first this condition felt like the ultimate curse but in some ways I have come to see it as a blessing because it makes you appreciate even the tinniest of things.

Even in this restricted capacity being alive is still a rare and wondrous privilege and there is beauty to behold everywhere…like the rays of sunshine in these photographs beaming into our lives. This light has travelled 93 million miles through the emptiness of space from a burning star that makes all life on this Earth possible. We live on a miracle. Yes, we have some tough times ahead but all the more reason not to give up and admit defeat by the dark forces. Now is a time to fight and to find pockets of happiness where we can.

So when it’s dark there is only one thing to do..head for the light. Gravitate towards what is positive in your life. Focus on the glory not the gloom. The joy not the horror. There is as much of both so you still get to choose what you dwell on. Evil hasn’t’s just got better PR.

6 Replies to “MYLDN 1740”

  1. Ah, cheers, glad you enjoyed and yes, they have indeed..light always brings hope..

  2. Thanks so much for these words. These insights. This testimony to grief and tenacity. Big love. x

  3. I love this! And in a world of uncertainty it has made me feel more positive and to appreciate what I have. xx

  4. Nice pictures and theme Jon. Thanks. But remember the days have started getting longer now…

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