MYLDN 1775

Some people see dead people (well haley joel osment mainly) I see stories in the discarded objects I discover on the street. A splattered ice cream, matching abandoned sunglasses, a lost boot, a spliff munchie street party, a cryptic message etched on the pavement itself ..what or who was behind all of these things? 

Let’s take the ice-cream. I see a middle aged unfit guy called Dean who’s been made to go on a healthy diet regime by his wife. Not because she cares but beacuse she’s punishing him for a prior indiscretion. She’s forced him out of the house to go jogging and in an act of defiance he stops at the corner shop and buys himself an ice-cream. Just as he is about to dive in he stops himself just before it touches his lips. No, fuck it, he’s gonna get fit for him, not her then when he’s  ripped he’s gonna leave her, quit his job and become a scuba diving instructor. And so hurles he the ice cream to the floor. All caught up.

Yes I got all that from a dropped ice-cream. I have an insane amount of time on my hands at the moment. My body and brain don’t function correctly but somehow my imagination is still running on all cylinders.

But this is a game you can play at home too. Look at what you see in any of the pictures this week and imagine everything that happened to get them to that point. Answers in the comments. Best one gets an ice-cream. 

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