MYLDN 1790

Monochromatic tributes to people who have died this week. I know a lot of people can’t handle the death thing but it is in fact the only guaranteed part of life. It seems strange to ignore it completely. And yet we all stumble on as if it’s never going to happen when we know for a fact that it is. It’s a bit like recycling. We know it isn’t really being done but we still do it anyway.

And so even though it happens every day we are always surprised and shocked to hear when someone has died. Even if you didn’t know them that well. And if you knew them and cared for them and loved them it is beyond brutal and the hole they leave behind will never truly be filled. But if you have lost it means you have loved which means you have truly lived.

And in some ways the beautiful thing about life is that it continues no matter what whether you are in it or not. New lives, new dreams, new everything…constantly evolving, adapting, growing…as each and every living thing on this planet works their arse off to survive and to thrive and flourish.

I was going to use the shots this week to make a comparison to my own current situation (no I haven’t died, it just kinda feels like it) but after banging on about it on Wednesday for Long Covid Awareness day I think I’ve probably said enough about all that for now.

So I will just leave you with this picture of me (taken by my mum) which I was going to use to illustrate me clinging on for dear life..and I guess it still does.

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