#MYLDN 1804

This week’s theme was pretty easy to work out..a collection of the backs of people’s heads. The all important question is why? Well there is nothing more alluring to the human brain than something it can’t quite see. It hates missing pieces of a puzzle. It has to know the whole picture.

How many times have you cranked your neck trying to listen to someone else’s conversation at a nearby table when you are out? You’re only getting bits n pieces and it drives you crazy. And bear in mind this is not a particularly interesting conversation. In fact if the same conversation were right in front of you, chances are you would probably drift.

So what happens when the brain is met with a gap? A hole in the informational picture? It fills it in. With our imagination. If it doesn’t have all the facts in front of it, it will just make shit up. Our compulsive need to understand everything led to the evolution of our creative minds. It gave us the capacity to make up stories. This is a beautiful thing.

And so this is why there is nothing more compelling than the back of someone’s head. Because that is where the facts end and a story starts…and when they do eventually swing round it’s always a disappointment because no face is more interesting than our imaginations. I’m not saying people should wear masks but actually saying that when they did, our minds soared with the possibilities of what was under there..

Short week this week..Happy Easter! ( now there’s a story ;)

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