MYLDN 1875

Enticing, confusing, intriguing, amusing words on the street this week..all part of my ongoing series “r u talkin to me” as from a rather egocentric perspective feel like these found statements might be aimed directly at me…a sign from the universe, messages from above trying to subtly steer me towards an intended fate. And as they are situated within 300 foot of my flat I might just be right…

Can you see what I mean? Do I need a doctor? Are you the doctor thats going to cure me? How do I find you? This isn’t a lot of information to go on. Do you maybe have a name? Or a number I can call? Email?

And yes I do need to pace. I appreciate the reminder. Do I need to pace more? Is that what you’re telling me?

Obviously I know these messages aren’t really for me. I’m not completely deluded. The truth is it’s just chaos with self-imposed meaning. Just like everything else. Still its just nice to think we’re a lil bit spesh now and again right? And maybe the universe is looking out for us…I guess its a reassuring thought. A galactic guardian angel protecting us and guiding our every move. I’m just not sure about the logistics..

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