MYLDN 1900

Old geezers, blokes & gents this week. Our neighbourhood is now mostly overrun with tourists so its getting harder to spot the old characters that have always lived in this area. But they are still there and I am sure they must be thinking…what the hell happened to this place? I think that and I’ve only been here since the 90s and I’m considerably younger. (I don’t know what constitutes considerably but I’m going with it)

I’ve tried to take photos of the tourists but they all look the same to me. Walking down Portobello these days is like sailing through a sea of puffer jackets…head to toe in uniqlo. I’m not dissing them it just doesn’t get the creative juices flowing. And then I see a craggy old characterful dude, his entire existence etched in every line in his face and that’s what I want to shoot. (not like kill obvs, that would be murder, I know they’re old but shame on you)

I’ve always been drawn towards characterful faces as anyone who follows this blog will know. I just find symmetrical beauty quite dull. I’m watching Boardwalk Empire at the mo (I know, late to the party) and I just marvel at Steve Buscemi’s face. It’s spectacular. Anyway I digress…

One day I will be one of these old characterful guys shuffling down the street, but the spirit of me will still be encased within the worn exterior. And that will be so for every one of these men this week so we should not judge by external facades. Who knows who might be living inside? Actually that’s sounds quite ominous. It wasn’t meant to be. I don’t mean like an alien or anything. I’m not saying they’re lizard people. Ok, I’m done..

p.s forgot it was good friday but hope you all have a splendid long weekend…

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