#MYLDN (464)

Me and my camera in my home town, my capital city, my london


It feels like everyone wants to be somebody else these days and every social event is some sort of themed occasion. Any excuse to get dressed up in costume and people will jump at the chance to transform themselves. Cosplay (which has nothing to do with kicking a lettuce around)  is massively on the rise  and now you really don’t have to be a nerd to want to get into spandex and strut your stuff…it seems that underneath we are all hiding our inner superheroes, monsters, warriors and vixens. (to see my gallery from ComicCon ’14 click here)

Maybe, rather than being a fantasy of who we want to be, they are in fact the real us and our “normal” exterior is the costume? Just as Clark Kent’s dull wimp was a cover for the all-powerful alien beneath we have constrained our true wild and flamboyant selves so we can function in the real world. Men tend to channel their dormant Alpha male in their chosen fancy dress outfits as women seem to out their secret seductress. Truth isn nature designed us to be fighters and lovers, not office workers…so maybe a little cosplay now and again is a good thing…just maybe not all the time.

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