#MYLDN KCKSTRTR Campaign – featured print (14)

Me and my kickstarter, selling prints of my hometown, my capital city, my london

Hope you’re having a good Bank Holiday! Although you do have to ask yourself why we celebrate banks having a break when they are the ones who are basically responsible for crippling the economy, saddling us all with massive debt and creating massive inequality. Not that I think we shouldn’t have a long weekend. We should just rename the holidays. Stop calling them bank holidays and start calling them umm..People Holidays! And the fat cat CEOs of the banks should be the only ones who have to work, everyone else gets the day off. Now that would make much more sense to me…

This photograph is part of my MYLDN Kickstarter campaign and you can sign up for a print here: https://tinyurl.com/ya43j8bw

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