#MYLDN KCKSTRTR Campaign – featured print (7)

Me and my kickstarter, selling prints of my hometown, my capital city, my london

Not a single pixel in this digital photograph has ever be seen anywhere other than on a screen. It has been at the mercy of instant swiping since it was released into the ether and has only ever known fleeting encounters with its online consumers. There one second, gone the next. Don’t these pixels deserve a more permanent existence? To exist in the real world as we do? You could release this picture from its digital hard drive dungeon by pledging to my campaign  and giving it a place it could call home.

Free the jpeg today by clicking on this link: https://tinyurl.com/ya43j8bw

This is just one of the 100 photographs you could receive in the lucky dip. You don’t get to choose as there is only one of each print and when you receive it you will be the only person in the world to ever own it. I will never re-print the photograph so it will be like owning a painting, a true one off. These images will only ever be offered in this way at this price on this kickstarter campaign as a one time only deal never to be repeated.

If you have enjoyed being a follower of the #MYLDN series over the years and were able to help contribute to this campaign I would be hugely grateful. The way kickstarter works is that I need to sell all of them to hit my target or I don’t sell any. Sadly I do not have an ad spend to help promote this so if you are able to share this campaign in any way it would be hugely appreciated.

tally so far: 35 prints sold, 65 to go, 22 days left.

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