#MYLSBN (16)

I am reading some very disconcerting articles about how governments are already using Corona to usher in legislature that will give them more authority and less accountability. They are calling it the pandemic power grab and everyone, is taking advantage just like they used 9/11 to strip citizens of their civil liberties. And just like then, while we are all scared and looking the other way, they slip these measures quietly through and hope no-one notices.

For example included in the U.K emergency Corona Bill are alarming law amendments that relieve them of certain legal obligations to the disabled and to the mentally ill (like that’s the first thing you thought of amongst all of this ?!) whilst Trump has dropped many environmental protection policies as part of the deal in his 2 trillion stimulus package he just pushed through. They did not cause this situation but they are taking massive advantage to further their own agenda, all in the supposed name of protection.

We must pay attention. And we must fight for our freedoms as they chip away at them on the sly. This is essentially ‘opportunistic fascism’ and we will all suffer as a result, once the threat of this calamity has subsided.

So yes, keep your mouth covered but keep your eyes & your ears open…

p.s If you want to read more about this Naomi Klein’s book the Shock Doctrine highlights this very machiavellian process or you can look up the terms and conditions of these emergency laws or read about other governmental implementations across the globe in this article here

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