This was taken at a teacher/pupil strike in the centre of Stockholm, which are also taking place all over the world to raise the issue of climate change in the hope someone in power will pay attention and actually do something.

The U.K is currently experiencing ridiculously warm weather for this time of year but mostly all you hear about it are people saying how glorious and wonderful it is. People are all pottering around in T-shirts thinking everything is great but it isn’t. It’s February. It should not be like this and it means just one thing: the world is hotting up and climate change is destabilising our environment. And whether you believe it or not, it does not matter, because it will happen regardless.

And this is not something that will occur in the distant the future.  The effects are happening right now. And this problem that we have created  is not going away. We cannot shove it under the carpet and hope it will just disappear. It won’t. We need to wake up. And fast. It is as if we are in a sleep state from which we cannot shake ourselves. And deep down we all know it. We have collective paralysis because the problem feels too big to tackle and it would mean giving up our entire way of life and starting again. And we clearly aren’t prepared to do that as massive inaction is still the current order of the day. We have been spoon-fed our existence and it has rendered us useless. We have become so passive we don’t even know how to stand up and fight anymore. They have destroyed our spirit with easy living and a digital prison. Survival has not been a modus operandi for so much of the world’s population for so many generations we don’t even know where to start.

We are all still so preoccupied with everything else we are blind to the magnitude of this all encompassing problem. but nothing else really matters anymore. Whatever your goals were, whatever career or house or car you wanted, whatever health regime you were following, whatever you are doing to ensure your family has a good life, none of it will count for shit if we do not attempt to deal with this. And we are not dealing with it. We are submerged up to our eyeballs in denial. And there is no magic solution coming. None of our leaders are coming to save the day. The Climate summit has been meeting for 24 years and in 24 years they are not one iota closer to initiating anything that will be remotely enough to tackle the mother of all problems in time. So I think we can safely assume that, if they have done nothing of any significance in a quarter of  a decade, the solution will not be coming from them.

Yesterday there was an article on bbc about the warm weather (https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-47374936) and even though they did mention climate change they still sat on the fence and suggested other factors might be involved and they even put up pictures of people smiling and enjoying the sun as if it was still a good thing. The 20 hottest years on record have come in the last 21 years. Coincidence? Of course not. The artic, the himalayas, the glaciers, all our melting at a rate way faster even their most alarming predictions and it is all having a massive knock-on effect which is going to render giant chunks of the world uninhabitable and destroy our ability to feed the 7 billion plus people (and their livestock) on the planet. At least the Guardian had the balls to post this article which at least raises the issue of fear surrounding this situation: https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2019/feb/26/terrified-warm-weather-global-warming-london.

On April 15th the Extinction Rebellion are staging a mass shutdown of London on April 15th. Look them up and see what they are proposing and you might want to get involved. You might think you don’t agree with their course of action, but all other avenues have been exhausted. Or that you don’t want to associate yourself with climate activists but let me remind you, if you are anti-extinction (and am assuming you are) you are already in the Extinction Rebellion…

Wake wakey Human Racey! We’re heading for the exit…its now-or-never time to do something about it…


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