#MYLDN (476)

Me and my camera in my home town, my capital city, my london

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#MYLDN (475)

Me and my camera in my home town, my capital city, my london


#MYLDN (474)

Me and my camera in my home town, my capital city, my london

MYLDN 474-1

#MYLDN (473)

Me and my camera in my home town, my capital city, my london


To see the full gallery “The Visibles” please click here. If you have the time or the inclination for an explanation, read on…

I see these luminous Orange men everywhere. I did a week on them before and since have found they keep catching my eye…yes, as I joked before, it was possibly to do with the fact they are wearing high visibility workwear but as I started to collect this pictures, it started to make me think…

In this day and age we are told we can be anything we want to be, that we should strive to be an almighty success and reach the top of the pile no matter what…unfortunately most of us won’t make it and will then be made to feel like failures…but do we all have to be leaders & high achievers? Does the focus of our lives have to relate exclusively to how well we are doing? Could it not be enough just to live a life and be happy? Does everything have to be performance related?

After the 2nd World War it was accepted that a successful society was a team effort and every single role, no matter what, was considered important. Every working position was valued as intergral and vital to the functioning of society regardless of the pay packet. As the decades have gone on, the focus has changed. It feels that what is important now is how well you are doing within society rather than how well that society is doing. We all want the country to run right but as all the emphasis is on your own position within it, so is it any wonder there are societal problems? Politicians, who are suppposed to be the ones actually working for a better society, are clearly self-serving so what chance do we have?

Primate society is dictated by social status which we have inherited that from our evolutionary ancestors and that will probably never leave us but there can still be respect for what are considered to be more menial positions. The modern generations seem fixated on rising to the top, mostly through the entertainment industry, as they seek to emulate their (pop) idols and the idea of working your life in a normal job with no prospects of fame or fortune appearts to be abhorent to them. Maybe this form of positive affirmation that your dreams can and will come true is ironically having a negative and detrimental effect as it burdens most with a massive and debilitating shortfall…

This week’s photographs focuses on workers in London who, although technically, extremely visible, are largely ignored, considered unimportant, as are so many who’s jobs are in what Americans describe as blue collar work. But without the builders, the cleaners, the road sweepers, the fast food workers, society would not function. This is not a cry to champion the little guy (or girl) but to state that there is no shame in being one. Living in London is like being in a giant ant colony and most of us are worker ants and there ain’t nothing wrong in that…

 Does it really matter that much what you do? A jobs a job, it doesn’t define who you are. Its just what you do. Its going to take up around 8 hours a day and eventually everything sucks a little bit. Even being an astronaut. (long hours, bad food, cramped conditions) If it was great it wouldn’t be called work, it would be called pleasure. Personally, I don’t believe there are such things as bad jobs, just bad people and bad attitudes. You could work for a c*** at the top, or a saint at the bottom…if you are with the former or the latter, who’s going home happier?

Highly-regarded jobs are often used by those who have them as a social tool to assert superiority but do not envy these people, if they need a constant boost to their ego, they are probably more in line for pity. The truth is if you exist you are a success, everything else is just details.

(yes, I got all that from blokes in brightly coloured outfits)




#MYLDN (472)

Me and my camera in my home town, my capital city, my london


#MYLDN (471)

Me and my camera in my home town, my capital city, my london

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#MYLDN (470)

Me and my camera in my home town, my capital city, my london


#MYLDN (469)

Me and my camera in my home town, my capital city, my london


#MYLDN (468)

Me and my camera in my home town, my capital city, my london


Ok, so looks like its protest week…we live in the age of the online petition and it seems that everyone is campaiging for something evil to be stopped. It feels that we have all become activists fighting for what we believe in. And yet there are studies to show that people actually do less in real terms as they feel they have ‘done their bit’ by typing their name and pressing send, never to think of it again. The rise of the internet meant that everyone got a voice but is any of it actually making a difference? Can our cries be heard?  When world leaders seem hellbent on ignoring everyone bar those whose pockets they lie in, what is the point?

I was interviewed last week for a U.S website and asked what the best thing about my death of conversation gallery being seen across the globe (yeah, yeah, stop going on about it) and I said that it had given me hope. It showed me that if you can package an idea in a way that truly connects with people you can spread it around the world in the blink of an eye. It made me feel, when so often you feel powerless, that change is possible.

I released my Help The Rich Charity Appeal film this week for the makers of the Spirit Level aimed to highlight the massive wealth inbalance in the world  and am really hoping that it also will go viral but its tough to make an impact as you are always fighting pets doing humaney things, Star Wars and Kardashian’s arse. Another website who featured my pictures  on their site had, as one of their top posts, footage a baby who was afraid of its own farts. While Ferguson burned this is what people were looking at. Is this really what we’ve become?

Yet whether it is a twerking dog (havent seen but there has to be one) or a charity appeal we are relentlessly inundated. One of the reasons the #helptherich film was a parody of charity ads, is that the worthy causes pile in as much as the unworthy ones and you start to wither in over-saturation (and yes, am aware I am part of that deluge). Maybe there is just too much incoming traffic and its too overwhelming to process correctly regardless of the value of its content.

Even if you do break through the endless sea of trivial nonsense and people actually watch what you are peddling, how long does it resonate? What action will follow? I read an article on the success of the Occupy movement and they judged its impact solely on google searches and hashtags but what did that have to do with genuine activity? Those people were at home with cups of tea, not fighting on the streets.

We did the march against the closure of Madame Jojos on Saturday (MYLDN 465) and we went there knowing it was utterly pointless but to do nothing at all would have been so much worse. Apathy and resignation are never the answers and we must continue to fight for fairness even in its absence. I will now descend from my soap box and let you go about your day…assuming you haven’t already moved on to something else…google search…twerking dog…13,700,000 results



#MYLDN (467)

Me and my camera in my home town, my capital city, my london


#MYLDN (466)

Me and my camera in my home town, my capital city, my london

MYLDN 466-1

Sorry, bit late….

Help the Rich Charity Appeal (#helptherich)

Here is a charity film I have just made…

It is Giving Tuesday today so please spare a thought for those more fortunate than yourself and spread the word if you can by sharing on all your usual social sites..its for a very wealthy cause!

http://youtu.be/2tXLBr514zw  #helptherich

#MYLDN (465) – The Death of Soho

Me and my camera in my home town, my capital city, my Soho


It sounds like the plot of so many bad films..evil property developers want to squeeze out independent business for massive profit and a small band of misfits have to fight to stop them to preserve their way of life..in the films the good guys always win in the end, in real life it is always the bad guys…

Madame JoJos which has been in existence since the 60s and is one of the most beautiful iconic venues in London and a symbol of everything that is great about Soho as been closed by the council who revoked their license after a single violent incident with their security staff and a member of the public. However, it turns out they had already approved planning permission to Soho estates to develop the entire block where Madame JoJos sits on Brewer st to Soho Estates. Its was a stitch up. Pure and simple. This was business. They were just in the way.

On Saturday a small band of misfits met in Soho Square to demonstrate against this injustice although, it was barely a protest. It was in truth a wake for Soho. It was supposed to be a vigil which in hindsight, although appropriate, was not the most upbeat and defiant of themes for a protest march….


….but the feeling that the fight was already lost was too apparent to ignore. It was already a done deal.


The air of defeatism amongst the crowd, which barely hit 3 figures, and like any good event in the modern age, probably had as many photographers as attendees, was grim and painfully reflective of the situation.


So why be there at all? Because to do absolutely nothing, to show no anger or resentment at the destruction of a community and the essence of Soho would have been even worse.


We did a funeral style procession down Oxford St passing the offices of the evil Soho Estates, but this was not a film so there was no Mr Villain to do a mwah haa haa laugh as he mocked those he had crushed, it was a saturday so there was no-one there and we just moved on, silently. Their sign had been marginally defaced,  the only visible form of enraged protest.


We passed through the last remaining vestiges of what Soho once was, a glimpse into a former world whose days are now  definitely numbered. It is no longer a question of if, just when.


When we arrived at Madame Jojos everyone stood around not quite sure what to do, we lay wreaths and candles at the door and more pictures were taken and then everyone gradually dispersed, no chanting, not even a murmur. It was very sad.


The developers in league with the council will not stop the gentrification of Soho until they have erased every single bit of character and every trace of debauchery from an area that was defined by it. They are not happy with the 90% they already have. They must have it all. When they have finally removed all the venues, it will not be Soho, it will just be bits of really expensive concrete, just like everything else. Well done. Good job.


There is a petition to save jojos (and the all important hashtag #savejojos) so even in a world of pointless protest and in spite of a massive air of defeatism from me please sign here



#MYLDN (464)

Me and my camera in my home town, my capital city, my london


It feels like everyone wants to be somebody else these days and every social event is some sort of themed occasion. Any excuse to get dressed up in costume and people will jump at the chance to transform themselves. Cosplay (which has nothing to do with kicking a lettuce around)  is massively on the rise  and now you really don’t have to be a nerd to want to get into spandex and strut your stuff…it seems that underneath we are all hiding our inner superheroes, monsters, warriors and vixens. (to see my gallery from ComicCon ’14 click here)

Maybe, rather than being a fantasy of who we want to be, they are in fact the real us and our “normal” exterior is the costume? Just as Clark Kent’s dull wimp was a cover for the all-powerful alien beneath we have constrained our true wild and flamboyant selves so we can function in the real world. Men tend to channel their dormant Alpha male in their chosen fancy dress outfits as women seem to out their secret seductress. Truth isn nature designed us to be fighters and lovers, not office workers…so maybe a little cosplay now and again is a good thing…just maybe not all the time.

#MYLDN (463)

Me and my camera in my home town, my capital city, my london


#MYLDN (462)

Me and my camera in my home town, my capital city, my london


I really hope he’s on his way to a Breaking Bad costume party…

#MYLDN (461)

Me and my camera in my home town, my capital city, my london


“Holy shit, its Shaft!”

#MYLDN (460)

Me and my camera in my home town, my capital city, my london


#MYLDN (459)

Me and my camera in my home town, my capital city, my london


I read a quote that said “Up until the age of 30 you get the face God gave you, and after that you get the face you deserve”. I don’t believe in the big man upstairs but I do believe that youth hides all crimes. Eventually your personality and life experience will win over your dna revealing how you actually are. I see a lot of miserable people in the streets and I wonder how they got there, what event tipped them over the edge, what rejection was too hard to bear, what ambition was left at the side of the road? This is what fascinates me but this is not what people want to show.

This is why I believe that everyone wants to “pose’ for photos rather than be caught “au naturel”. It allows them to put their “face” on, to hide the cracks with a fixed smile and a turn of the head. But these are not moments in reality, they are the bits in-between.  Entire photo albums and Facebook pages are filled with these reality pauses, fabricated moments that didn’t exist before the camera came out. One day, when you look back at your life…it won’t be…it will be the bits in-between.

Happy friday! (he said trying half-heartedly to lighten the tone a bit, I know a sideways smiley face should do it :) there you go, all better! )

#MYLDN (458)

Me and my camera in my home town, my capital city, my london