#MYLDN (1569)

Faces are this week’s theme…or rather the lack of them. What can I say…I miss ’em. Eyes are great and everything, windows to the soul n all that but they’re not quite enough to go on. To me there is no such thing as an uninteresting face. If you look closely they all tell a story. Our entire lives are etched on our faces. Wearing masks means we are missing a mountain of unspoken communication that emanates from every encounter we have. It connects us in ways we are not even consciously aware of but it is happening constantly as we go about our day. I miss smiling. You can achieve a lot with a smile. It generates positivity and unity, two things we desperately need at the moment so it is somewhat a cruel irony that we are currently prevented from doing so because our faces are now mostly obscured from vision.

I went to college in Glasgow, where if you make eye contact with someone, you smile at each other. Standard practise. I personally thought this was a good policy so when I came back to London I continued with this approach but was rarely returned with anything other than a glance that indicated that they most likely thought I was basically a loon bin. This did not deter me and have continued regardless ever since. The ratio of return smiles in this city isn’t amazing tbh but very occasionally you get a proper smile back, a smile with no purpose other than itself and that is always a beautiful thing.

I even miss this hit and mostly miss attempt at facial interaction. I always found it a fun game. Like trying to make someone like you who you know really doesn’t. I wanna be able to smile at strangers again and have them not smile back. I miss them trying to work out if they know me or not. I miss watching them look over their shoulder in case it was in fact directed at someone behind them. I miss seeing their face twitch and contort as their brain can’t quite decide whether to commit to a return smile or not. This generally ends with the corners of the mouth going up but not quite bringing the rest of the face with it. But mostly I miss the looks of vague disgust as people are actually pissed off I have attempted to yank them out of their default hostile stay away from me misery mode. So rewarding.

We are clearly gonna have to mask up for quite a while longer sadly and it is unfortunately essential in this ongoing humans vs virus war (who’s winning? Kinda difficlut to call at this stage wouldn’t you say?) but I really yearn for the day when we don’t.

#MYLDN (1565)

#MYLDN (1251)

Fork lift truck evolves and acquires consciousness. First act of artificial intelligence? Pose for a selfie. The human race might have nothing to fear after all…

Pareidolia is the scientific name for seeing faces in things that don’t have them. It is a condition I have. Apparently the brain is hardwired to see faces above everything else as we  are social animals that require the process of facial recognition and comprehension to survive in the group so no wonder there is a bit of spill over. Apparently even babies can recognise faces in the womb. Article here if you don’t believe me…


I actually follow two Insta accounts that document this phenomena ( @pareidoliapic and @iseefacesinthestrangestofplaces if you are interested but there are tons more) and its like watching a Pixar version of the universe. Every inanimate object they show has its own little personality, just like the little fellah in this photograph. My only real question is, am I just seeing it or was it intentional?  I look at the vehicle in this shot and I can only see the face. I see nothing else. So did the person who designed it do it on purpose? That we will never know.

This is a bit of a stretch on the space theme but it does look like a robot to me.  If you aren’t happy with the inclusion please contact the Theme Police…

#MYLDN (1034)

And so the sun had barely set on the first day of the New Year and I had already burnt my dinner. It seemed that this was maybe a bad omen of things to come for this year but before I could descend into a negative outlook the oil began to evaporate in front of my eyes producing the smiley face above. Surely this was a sign? A message to stay positive and be happy? I decided to take it as one although fully aware that the decision was mine. As it always is for all of us all the time on everything. We cannot control what happens around us but we can control how we process them. Shakey (‘speare not stevens) probably said it best: “Nothing is bad. Only thinking makes it so”. But the same is true in both directions in all situations. At each and every turn you have a choice how you perceive things. The world is of our own making. Worth remembering as we shape the coming year…first internally, then externally.

Happy New Year! Let’s make it a good one…