#MYLDN (1251)

Fork lift truck evolves and acquires consciousness. First act of artificial intelligence? Pose for a selfie. The human race might have nothing to fear after all…

Pareidolia is the scientific name for seeing faces in things that don’t have them. It is a condition I have. Apparently the brain is hardwired to see faces above everything else as we  are social animals that require the process of facial recognition and comprehension to survive in the group so no wonder there is a bit of spill over. Apparently even babies can recognise faces in the womb. Article here if you don’t believe me…


I actually follow two Insta accounts that document this phenomena ( @pareidoliapic and @iseefacesinthestrangestofplaces if you are interested but there are tons more) and its like watching a Pixar version of the universe. Every inanimate object they show has its own little personality, just like the little fellah in this photograph. My only real question is, am I just seeing it or was it intentional?  I look at the vehicle in this shot and I can only see the face. I see nothing else. So did the person who designed it do it on purpose? That we will never know.

This is a bit of a stretch on the space theme but it does look like a robot to me.  If you aren’t happy with the inclusion please contact the Theme Police…

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