Slogans this week..why? Well is there anything more truly vacuous than a slogan? Implies everything, delivers nothing. We are currently being bombarded with them here in U.K as the election campaign train pulls into town once more..same empty promises, same bullshit. I mean is there really any point in listening to someone who is literally just saying anything they can think of just so that you will vote for them? Do we really need to pay attention to that at all?

I have decided, no, it is not really necessary. I mean, if manifesto policies actually had to be adhered to, like if you said you were gonna do it, by law you would have to follow through once in government..but that’s never gonna happen so what the fuck do I care what they are claiming they will do..what are they actually going to do? The answer is whatever the fuck they want. And apologies if anyone finds above image offensive (yes people still draw willies on things, that shit never goes out of fashion) but it’s the perfect visual metaphor for what it has felt like over the last 14 fucking years to be shafted by the the fuckwit Tories who brought a country virtually to its knees.

So could someone else do better than the boys in blue? Well those that fit into that category range from a bunch of monkeys to literally anyone who can successfully walk in and out of a door without hitting the frame. But are there any of the opposition out there who actually inspire? Anyone out there who feels like they’lll do what really needs to be done as oppose to just maintain the usual self-serving approach to political decisions?

I have been a socialist my entire adult life but Labour ain’t Labour not more and we all know that. Ironically the Lib Dems are way more radical which just shows you how far right the left have gone, so much so they’ve sailed clean past the middle ground. But the only thing that really matters is the environment and so I guess Green would be the way to go but how far would they actually go? Enough to make it number one priority above and beyond everything else? Enough to ensure a liveable future for the generations to come? Enough to dismantle capitalism and the relentlessness of modern consumerism completely and start again? That is what is required andas much as I would love to be believe they could I really can’t see that happening. And does nothing else really matter? No, of course not, a lot of things matter but they won’t matter at all if we don’t address the climate. Everything will be moot. We’ll all be living in the United States of Moot (which actually sounds quite cool but it won’t be, literally or metaphorically)

Now this might come as a shock based on what you have just read but I have never been more politically disillusioned in my life. I barely go near the world of politics anymore as followers of this blog might have noticed. Mainly because I don’t really see the point of shouting into an echo chamber or hitting my head against a brick wall, which seem to be the only two options available for political discourse in this era of polarisation where truth is an extremely rare commodity.

Rather than end on despair and doomongering I will leave you with the above two slogans which are really the only chance we have got. We must unite as people, not tribes. We must fight together for a shared future. We must choose love over hate. We must put community concerns first, individual needs second. Naive and simplistic statements perhaps but they are the things that are gonna get us out of this mess…
(this post was dedicated to my old blog Rantaclock for those that remember it..back in the good ole days when I was angry about everything haha)